Thursday, December 19, 2019

Essay on The Minimum Wage Should Be Increased - 1048 Words

Congress enacted the federal minimum wage in 1938, during the Great Depression. Congress had two goals; keeping workers away from poverty and boosting consumer spending for economic recovery. Today, there is a debate, whether we should increase the minimum wage again. Increasing the minimum wage is useful for several reasons. First, the current minimum wage has failed to keep up with inflation. Second, a higher income level reduces employee turnover and increases efficiency and ultimately, raising the minimum wage does not reduce employment. Even with high unemployment rates, the minimum wage is useful for the economy. Today the federal minimum wage is $7.25 per hour since July 24, 2009. It has failed to keep up with inflation. The†¦show more content†¦Economists explain this connection with efficiency wage theory. The theory implies that higher wages motivate workers to work harder and increase their incomes to enable them to eat well and become healthier. Increasing the minimum wage thus will increase productivity and demand for labor. A recent study by Andreas Georgiadis (2008) supported this view. In the study, Georgiadis states â€Å"estimation results suggest that higher wage costs were more than offset by lower monitoring costs, and thus the overall evidence implies that the national minimum wage may have operated as an Efficiency Wage.† These policies also encourage employers to increase training investments. Economists Daron Acemoglu and Jà ¶rn†Steffen Pischke showed in their study (1999) that compression in the structure of wages can cause firm-sponsored training. They concluded â€Å"When the wage structure is distorted away from the competitive benchmark and in favor of less skilled workers, firms may want to invest in the general skills of their employees† In their research, in 2001, they also state â€Å"In noncompetitive labor markets, minimum wages tend to increase training of affected workers because they induce firms to train their unskilled employees.† Opponents to minimum wage raise claim that the minimum wage costs jobs by pricing low-wage workers out of the labor market. However, when we review academic studies that examine the effects of minimum wage increases onShow MoreRelatedMinimum Wage Should Be Increased1057 Words   |  5 PagesRebecca Nevins Meredith Sides English 101 16 November 2015 Minimum Wage Should Be Increased Congress enacted the federal minimum wage in 1938, during the Great Depression. Congress had two goals; keeping workers away from poverty and boosting consumer spending for economic recovery. Today, there is a debate, whether we should increase the minimum wage again. Increasing the minimum wage is useful for several reasons. First, the current minimum wage has failed to keep up with inflation. Second, a higherRead MoreMinimum Wage Should Be Increased?1472 Words   |  6 Pagesdifficult if you are living on minimum wage. Of course it’s more difficult for some people than others depending on their situation and their living conditions. Americans and working class people who do come to America for a â€Å" better opportunity† and for the famous American dream struggle. Minimum wage should be increased because of the overqualified, educated, and experienced Americans who are relying on minimum wage jobs as a result of the struggling economy. Raising minimum wage will hel p employees sustainRead MoreShould Minimum Wage Be Increased?1691 Words   |  7 PagesShould Minimum Wage be Increased? Introduction The term, â€Å"minimum wage† refers to a lowest payment that an employer is bound to pay to its workers. Today minimum wage is made compulsory in more than ninety percent of nations including Canada where workers are demanding to increase minimum wages for a long time. Minimum wages are revised by governments in order to met growing needs of workers. There is a difference of opinion on the issue of increasing minimum wages among people of Canada. EmployersRead MoreThe Minimum Wage Should Be Increased1289 Words   |  6 PagesThe National Minimum Wage Should be increased to a Living Wage. Back in 1998 Labour s’ Tony Blair introduced the national minimum wage (NMW). It was created in aid of employers not valuing their workforce, often giving them very little wages. When it was first introduced the rate was set at  £3.60 and has slowly risen to  £6.70. However this is not enough to live on. It has been estimated that you need no less than  £7.85 an hour, rising to  £9.15 in London, to survive on. There is a clear differenceRead MoreThe Minimum Wage Should Be Increased976 Words   |  4 Pagesthe federal minimum wage. The post may have a picture of a soldier, a disheveled EMT in the back of an ambulance, or a waving American flag with overlying text stating something to the effect of ‘â€Å"Burger flippers† think they should be paid as much as these minimum wages workers? No way!’ If my experience on social media is any indicator, the most popular posts always contain â€Å"burger flipper† or â€Å"baconator.† Posts like the ones described above make moral judgements about the minimum wage with littleRead MoreMinimum Wage Should Not Be Increased1669 Words   |  7 PagesFederal minimum wage is a huge controversy around the world and especially in the United States today. It is the lowest wage that employers can legally pay their employees. The world’s first minimum wage law was passed in the year eighteen ninety-four in New Zealand. New Zealand’s minimum wage experiment caught the attention of other countries. It made them start considering the law for their own countries. The United States passed their federal minimum wage law in nineteen thirty-eight. The federalRead MoreThe Minimum Wage Should Be Increased Essay1758 Words   |  8 Pagesincrease the minimum wage in California from ten to fifteen dollars by the year 2022. The minimum wage will be increased by one dollar each year until 2022. This will give businesses enough time to meet state requirements to raise wages for em ployees. The bill was created to help people who are making less than minimum wage but it will disable California’s economy system and cause negative effects for people who are living on the current minimum wage system. The rise of the minimum wage will causeRead MoreShould The Minimum Wage Be Increased?1169 Words   |  5 Pageslarge scale over the State of Michigan’s plans to increase the minimum wage from seven dollars and fifty cents to ten dollars. Although increasing the minimum wage may seem beneficial to some, possibly stimulating the economy or increasing the standard of living for those who live below the poverty line, when looking at the economic issue through a larger lens and placing it into its context, one finds that by increasing the minimum wage, not only is the State of Michigan not addressing the most criticalRead MoreFederal Minimum Wage Should Be Increased911 Words   |  4 PagesThe question that ponders many people’s minds is whether the federal minimum wage should be increased or not. The current U.S. minimum wage is $7.50 and this wage has not increased since 2009. Families with minimum income wages are suffering due to the fact that they cannot provide everyday needs for their families. This is the reason why many people are rioting. They are frustrated with the government’s nonchalant attitude towards the hard situations in which they are living in. A final decisionRead MoreFederal Minimum Wage Should Be Increased1180 Words   |  5 Pagesto come to conclusions that the federal minimum wage is excessively low. The government can stand to help people gain more money, resulting in a less poverty-stricken country. The cost of living or gaining has increased significantly over the past twenty years, and the minimum wage, for most isn t enough for them to support themselves. There have been efforts to increase the federal minimum wage, but none has succeeded in getting approved. Minimum wages are too low for a human, to provide for

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

My Learning Experiences free essay sample

During our training at Balik-Manggagawa, I learned a lot of things such as interacting with other people. We know that people have different characteristics and attitudes, however, making friends with them is not that difficult. I learned to build on my competence, professionalism in dealing with people, discipline and ability to communicate with people. I gained self-confidence and maturity which are needed in the work and acquired the ability to work harmoniously with employers, workers and other trainees. I also have taken and developed values to become productive individuals like commitment, interpersonal relationship, teamwork, professional behavior, enthusiasm, politeness and punctuality. At first, I thought that it is not easy to take OJT because aside from the adjustments, there are lots of tasks and activities to be assigned and performed. But with enthusiasm â€Å"Though you’re tired, there’s no need to stop work, only when you’re done† to become productive. We will write a custom essay sample on My Learning Experiences or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page To be productive, we need to be punctual. There should be no space for tardiness as the saying goes: â€Å"Time is gold†. We don’t need to waste our time and we should have proper time for each specific action. Honestly, I go to BM on or before 8:00 in the morning even if my scheduled time is 9 o’clock A. M. to practice this important value. Another important value that must not be forgotten is politeness. We should respect the employees and co-trainees all the time. Always greet the clients, employees and co-trainees or smile at them at all times.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Research Proposal on Samsung Essay Example

Research Proposal on Samsung Essay Samsung group is one of the greatest groups of companies in South Korea which was founded in 1938. In the international market Samsung is known as one of the best producers of electronics. The history of Samsung is very long and interesting and runs to the first part of the 20th century. At that time Korea was a Japanese colony and it is obvious that it was difficult to start and develop business there. Nevertheless, Lee Byung-chul, a smart entrepreneur decided to start business which led to the beginning of the development of Samsung. At first he traded food products (exported products to China), then took up security and insurance and founded Samsung trading company and planned to trade with the USA by the 1950-s. In the end of 1960-s Samsung entered the market of electronics and started to produce TV-sets, quite an exclusive product at that time, because no more than 2% of people in Korea owned them. When Sanyo united with Samsung, one of the greatest branches of the company was founded – Samsung Electronics. From the 1990-s Samsung started to produce high-quality electronics beginning to conquer the global market. Today Samsung is the leader in the production of TV-sets and computer displays in Europe and is the main rival of the greatest companies of the world which produce electronics. Except of electronics Samsung is still famous for its chemical and heavy industries, insurance and security, etc. We will write a custom essay sample on Research Proposal on Samsung specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Research Proposal on Samsung specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Research Proposal on Samsung specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer It is useful to devote time to the research of the success and the long way of the development of such companies as Samsung. If a student has investigated the topic well and has something new to write to the public, he has the right to prepare a good research proposal on the topic. A successful Samsung research proposal is supposed to be interesting, thought provoking, informative and logical. A student should be able to present the aim of his research briefly and persuade the teacher in the importance of this topic for the investigation. A student should share his predictions concerning the results of the research and provide the professor with the methodology chapter which will demonstrate the potential of the future investigation. The process of term paper writing is not the easy one, because very few students know how to write a research proposal correctly. In order to solve this problem a student can find a free sample research proposal on Samsung and realize how the paper is written by the professional. An expert who prepares a free example research proposal on Samsung always follows the norms and standards of paper writing, so it is will be useful for every student to take advantage of such help. At writing service you can order a custom research proposal on Reproductive Health topics. Your research paper proposal will be written from scratch. We hire top-rated PhD and Master’s writers only to provide students with professional research proposal help at affordable rates. Each customer will get a non-plagiarized paper with timely delivery. Just visit our website and fill in the order form with all proposal details: Enjoy our professional research proposal writing service!