Thursday, September 12, 2019

Presidential Election 2012 Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Presidential Election 2012 Paper - Essay Example In terms of social conservativeness, I consider myself very accommodating and adaptive to change happening in the contemporary society. My political formation was heavily influenced by my high school history teacher. He presented an objective account of the issues that America has faced since its birth, bringing the realization that we have mostly been dealing with the same issues over the years: racism, immigration, gender issues and military action among others. This has helped me analyze the positions taken by different individuals/parties over time and their consequences, providing a basis for most of my political beliefs and inclinations. A number of issues define the current political dispensation in the USA mainly revolving around employment, education, environment, foreign affairs, poverty, taxes, immigration, and healthcare. These issues affect all aspects of the American society and have been the main points of contestation that have decided most of the recent elections. Personally, I feel that the issue on healthcare could be a key deciding factor among the Republican candidates and their choice candidate’s face-off with Obama. Hence, I will focus on healthcare based on analysis of the candidates’ positions in relation to my own views. Newt Gingrich reckons that the current government’s big spending on healthcare should be done away with. Instead, Gingrich proposes a â€Å"Patient Power† plan with the aim of saving lives and cutting costs. He seeks to promote choice among Americans in their healthcare tax cuts, giving the elderly an opportunity to voluntarily choose more personal hea lthcare in the private sector and allowing states to flexibly Medicaid to promote healthcare among the poor ( 2012). Ron Paul seeks to promote freedom rather than force in promoting healthcare. He proposes the repellation of the

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