Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Role of Ethics in Health Care Moral Behaviour †Free Samples

Question: Discuss About the Role of Ethics in Health Care Moral Behaviour? Answer: Introducation Moral behaviors or ethics is the ground on which human beings stand for. Ethics conduct in the health care setting is imperative as it improves the nature of the relationship between the patient and the health care provide. rIn this case, the health care provider should ensure they act ethically in order to nature an environment of trust within the health care setting. Having this in mind, the essay will discuss the role of ethics in the health care. The first role of ethics is that it ensures equality and fairness prevail in the health care. Clinicians should respect and treat all patients equally regardless of their social standing. Clinicians should refrain from prejudice (Peacock, Zasada, Coucke, Cox and Janssens 2016). Whether the patient is an alcoholic, suffering from bronchitis or any kind of illness, the clinician should treat the patients with empathy in order to enhance doctor- patient relationship (Holloway and Galvin 2016). Second, ethics in the health care setting plays a significant role in patient autonomy. Clinicians should carry themselves in an ethical manner in the way they handle the patient. In this case, they should always consider an informed consent when dealing with the patient (Shang and Venkat 2016). Therefore, the clinicians approval is imperative in regards to the patients interest and this kind of ethical consideration should be part of the health care providers roles in order to improve the clinical outcome (Dolezel and Morrison 2017). Third, ethics lay an important role in the health care setting as they safeguard the patients interest (Celie and Prager 2016). In cases where the healthcare provider does not act in an ethical manner, they can endanger the life of the patient or put their life at risk. Therefore, health care providers are required to be ethical always in order to meet the needs of the patients, as it is essential in providing them with quality care (Celie and Prager 2016). Finally, ethics in the healthcare play a vital role as they increase public support and trust on the health care providers (Ball, Kim and Kiel 2016). In this case, failure to observe ethics in the health care will lead to a loss in public trust, which will negatively affect the operations of the facility. Further, ethics in the health care will encourage donors and public generosity towards the facility, which will improve the nature of health services offered by the facility (Ball, Kim and Kiel 2016). In other words, an organization or health facility whose members act in an ethical manner will attract public due to the trust they build through their ethical consideration. Therefore, when health care providers act in an ethical manner, instances of ethical dilemma within the organization or health facilities are minimal thus improving the nature of care (Atkins, Kilbourne and Shulkin 2017). In conclusion, the establishment of ethics in the health care setting is imperative as it improves the quality of care given to the patients. Healthcare facilities and organizations should adhere to ethics in the treatment of patients and the patients family. In this case, it is the duty of the healthcare providers to develop and maintain these ethical standards and doing so needs considerable deliberation and thought Reference List Atkins, D., Kilbourne, A.M. and Shulkin, D., 2017. 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