Sunday, April 28, 2019

Adaptive Culture and Cultural Artifacts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Adaptive Culture and Cultural Artifacts - Essay Example piece the constitution mandatory to know every accurate detail about its stakeholders, the latter also needed to provide an honest and realistic output of needs or wants that are to be fulfilled. In different words, information is the framework of those mentioned requisites its timing and accuracy significantly determine the capability of the organization to process and mix it with the organizational processes and practices. Moreover, all other aspects that serve to shape an organizational culture has to be taken into term -- its level of impact on organizational culture should determine its ability to be incorporated in the whole adaptive culture-framework. While in general, these aspects are conveniently referred to as processes and practices, in specific it includes policies, competencies, reenforce norms, et cetera. A more binding reinforcement for an organization aspiring an adaptive culture is the top managements com mitment. Additionally, the organizations people should be tirelessly reminded of the purpose of such adaptive culture. both(prenominal) commitment and purpose are consistent reinforcers of any desired organizational culture, and adaptive culture is no exception.I think that our organization has a relatively strong culture. First, because everybody knows what and who we do for more than just make or bonuses, we serve people. Every business unit, whether directly or indirectly involved, recognized its part in the whole value chain. In other words, each of us, from top to the bottom level, could identify ourselves in the organizations collective mantra. Moreover, this recognition is reinforced through the individual integration of our own task to the ships companys core task. Second, our Human Resource Recruitment filters the entrant workers they make sure that the individuals goals are well aligned or approximately paralleled with the companys. Moreover, the HR people look at the

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