Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Definitions in Anatomy and Physiology

comments in Anatomy and PhysiologyAnatomy is a science for the study of different parts of musical accompaniment organisms, animal or plant types either by sectioning or other methods it studies the size, structure and the relating elements, structuring a eubstance, a plant, etc. We distinguish general anatomy, which in addition takes into mark the analysis of physiology.Physiology is the study of the mode of operation of the numerous existing living creatures. Specifically, it is about understanding how the humane luggage compartment works, the role of each organ and its cognitive process mechanisms found in the organism but also, the function that each living organism occupies in its environment. When referring to the human anatomy and physiology, we are likely to be development the pathology to understand when the human system faces diseases and illnesses, caused by the dysfunction of certain organs and the symptoms that help specialists and scientists diagnose certain illnesses.To understand the human anatomy, scientist and biologists use various anatomical reference terms to describe and locate parts of the body, so what are the directing terms, body planes and the terminology used to identify the various body regions?We start with the directional terms, terms used by the anatomists and medical professionals to identify, locate and explain the body structure and linear perspectiveing in regards to another(prenominal).As we can see below DefinitionDescriptionExampleSuperiorA structure above anotherThe chin is superior to the navelInferiorA structure below anotherThe navel is inferior to the chin.SuperficialTowards or on the surfaceThe skin is superficial to the muscleDeepAway from the surface, internal.The lungs are deep in the ribs side(prenominal)Away from the midline of the bodyThe nipple is lateral to the breast boneMedialTowards the midline of the bodyThe nose is medial to the eyeProximal circumferent to the point of attachment to the bo dy than another structureThe elbow is proximal to the wrist.DistalFarther from the point of attachment to the body than another structureThe wrist is distal to the elbowAnteriorThe front of the bodyThe navel is anterior to the spinePosteriorThe back of the bodyThe spine is posterior to the breastboneipsilateralOn the same side of the bodyRight arm and shoulderContralateralOn opposite sides of the bodyLegsParietalRelating to a body quarry wallBones of the skullVisceralRelating to organs within body cavitiesLungsThe diagram below explains the directional terms. Blank Canvas taken from Google. Figure.1Figure 1. Directional damage in Anatomy.To understand the human body better, there are ways of facilitating the understanding of what lies inside, structure wise, body planes are one way.Sagittal plane is a vertical plane that divides the body into equal right and left halves. If we cut the person in a straight vertical line from the head finished the belly button and down to the toes, the median plane, therefore, result equal right and left halves of the body. See Fig.2Coronal plane is a line/cut that separates the body into anterior and posterior parts, splits the body into front and back halves. This type of division is why the coronal plane is sometimes referred to as the frontal plane. See Fig.2 thwartwise plane, this is a plane that divides the body into superior and inferior portions. This plane runs perpendicular to the coronal and median planes and in an upright human is parallel, or horizontal, to the ground. This is why its also called the horizontal plane. Anatomy and Physiology for dummies.See Fig.2 Blank canvas taken from Google. Fig.2Figure. 2 Body Planes in AnatomyIf we take the body standing in the pursuance anatomical position as shown below Fig.3, I can recall these major regions (from the outside of the body) and how they relate to each other in the anatomical position highlighted as followsThe cephalic region (head) or cranial region (skull ) is at the top of the body and macroscopical from the front and rear.The cervical region (neck) starts below the head, ends at the thorax, and is perceptible from the front and rear from under the head to the shoulders.The dorsal region (back) runs from immediately below the neck down to the area below the waist. It doesnt include the shoulders. Its visible from the rear.The thorax starts immediately below the neck, at the clavicles, and ends along the bottom of the rib cage. Its visible from the front.The abdomen starts along the bottom of the rib cage and extends to the hips. Its visible from the front.The renal pelvis starts where the abdomen ends and takes up the area between the hip bones. The perineum is between the thighs so very little is visible in the anatomical position.The upper extremities include the shoulders, arms, forearms, elbows, wrists, and give and are visible from the front and the backThe lower extremities include the hips, buttocks, thighs, knees, legs, ankles, and feet. The buttocks are visible only from the rear, but the rest of the lower extremities are visible from the front and the rear.Figure.3 Anatomical regional terms annotated diagram (blank canvas taken from Google)Part BIn histology a study of cellphones and tissues, the human body is a synchronised cycle of components, a structure harmonised and coherence between chemicals, cells, tissues, organs and transcriptions to form a human body. As detailed briefly in the following orderEvery organism, humans, animals and plants are formed of cells. Animal cells and plant cells have a joined characteristic like a nucleus, cytoplasm, cell membrane, mitochondria, and ribosomes. set out cells have a cell wall, and most of the time a permanent chloroplast and vacuole. Each and specific cell has a special task or concomitant function, although there are different type of cells, the basic structure of a cell remains the same. Solutions pass into and out of the cells by diffusion this sometimes is called osmosis when the pissing passes into and out of the cell. So what are the cell and tissue types and their functions in the human body?A group of different types of cells form tissues in the human body and one or more types of tissues form organs that work together in a harmonious manner to form the organ system.Nerve cells These cells do not multiply in a human body life time. Once formed during fetus, they live till the entire life of a human body. They exist all over the body and some are as long as a few meters long. There are human heading cells and are found in a massive population in the brain and the spinal cord this is what forms the nervous tissue.Bone cells (Osteocytes) These are considered the toughest body cell systems and are bound together by calcium and phosphate, they give strength, support and framework to the body by enclosing organs in skeletal system i.e. bones.Cartilage cells (chondrocytes) these cells are made of a loose and flexible material. We find them in the ear, spinal bones, joints etc.Muscle cells There are three types skeletal, cardiac and smooth muscle cells and are rich in proteins actin and myosin, muscle cells can contract and relax to provide movements.Secretory cells These cells secrete and form glands, for example pancreatic cells which secrete insulin, glucagon, salivary gland secrete saliva, sebaceous gland secrete oil on the skin. They are found in all secretory organs. fatty cells These are fat cells and considered as storage to store fat. Example the soles, palms, buttocks, etc. They reduce friction to the body.Blood cells They are always mobile and active protract oxygen and nutrients to all cells and organs. They have limited life span and they never multiply to form new cells. Instead new cells are formed from other cells.As we know, there are four types of tissues, Epithelial, Connective, muscular and nervous as I explained in the examples above.Epithelium its main function is to protec t the human body from the outside world acts as a barrier i.e. skin. It also absorbs i.e. stomach and intestinal lining (gut). Also, it filters, i.e. kidneys and it secretes as the glands do. Its also good at fixing itself, re-create i.e. skin burns.Connective its main function is bound together, wrapping around and cushioning and protecting organs. Stores nutrients and give an internal support for organs, i.e. tendon and ligaments protect joints and accustomed muscles to bone and each other, it runs through organs and in deep layers of skin producing strength.Nervous this is very important as it is the communication element in the body to receive and give signals, this conducts impulses to and from body organs via neurons i.e. brain, spinal cord and nerves.Muscle this is responsible for the body movements, moves blood, food, and waste bodys organs and responsible for the mechanical digestion.

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