Friday, June 14, 2019

Water Conservation Thesis Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Water Conservation - Thesis Proposal ExampleReducing the amount of detergent that is employ in washing dishes acts to reduce the amount of water spent in homes. Little application of the detergent leads to less water being used in washing and the water that could have been used in rinsing the dishes may be used in some another(prenominal) place effectively (Figures, Rockstrm and Tortajada 60).In the use of pressure step-down technique, the owners of the homes can decide to reduce the pressure of water that run into their homes by installing pressure reduction valves. The reduction of the pressure may in turn save water in that it reduces any curtain raising of water leaking via the pipes. Pressure reduction also reduces any possibility of dripping faucets and leaking water heaters. Homeowners may also opt to use low-flow showerheads that usually account for a percentage of 20% of all the water that is used in many households (Cabrera, Cobacho and Lund 50). Replacing the standard 18litres per min showerheads with 10litres per minute showerheads can save an approximate 80,000liters per year. Homeowners may also utilize their domestic wastewater from their kitchen sinks, clothes washers and slipstream tubs also known as gray water. Gray water may be usefully used for home gardening, maintaining the lawn, landscaping and some other uses that do not necessarily require the use of clean water (Figures, Rockstrm and Tortajada 55).As noted, water is very essential in the lives of a community, if the resource is not used wisely the effects are more likely to affect women more than men. Water shortage brings about hydrologically related disasters such as landslides, droughts and floods and other meteorologically related disasters (Olmstead and Stavins 82). Water pollution and shortages are directly linked to a long list of diseases that tend to affect human health and broadly women. In most

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