Friday, August 9, 2019

Illiad and Odyseey Greek Mythology about the Soul Essay

Illiad and Odyseey Greek Mythology about the Soul - Essay Example The underworld was ruled by Hades, and all souls after physical death went there. Greek religious beliefs were not written down in parchments but were orally passed on from one generation to another. In every culture, epical stories were created, basing on religious beliefs, and exchanged through word of mouth so that the thoughts and beliefs took deep roots in society. While philosophy was hard for the average human being to understand, fictionalized accounts were easily comprehended. Heroic stories had the power to pass on values and moral to people rather than scripts intended to preach religion. Narratives based on adventures of brave and idealistic protagonists, therefore, became popular among masses and the authors interlaced such sagas with religious and philosophical thoughts in a manner accessible to ordinary people. Thus, Iliad and Odyssey, the two epics by Homer, have a strong influence not only on Greek culture but also on their religion. Homer’s â€Å"Odyssey† is an account of Odysseus’ return to Ithaca from the Trojan War. It narrates his adventures and how he overcame the wrath of Poseidon, with the help and blessings of Goddess Athene, daughter of Zeus. Odyssey concentrates on the happenings in Odysseus’ native land, Ithaca during a twenty year period when he was away from his motherland, and the tribulations suffered by his faithful wife Penelope and son Telemachus. Finally, after a long and arduous struggle, Odysseus returns to his land, with the help of the goddess Athene, and is reunited with his wife and son. He also succeeds in killing all the suitors who wanted to marry Penelope during his long absence from Ithaca. As was the contemporary practice prevalent during that time the dead were not buried but cremated. The practice of building â€Å"a mould with all the proper funeral rites† was also practiced. (Homer, 1991. p.12, line 293).  

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