Saturday, August 10, 2019

Personal Statement in Journalism Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

In Journalism - Personal Statement Example Then I made a decision to pursue my education in journalism and apply for a bachelor`s degree at King Saud University in Saudi Arabia. The desire to become a professional journalist was not the only thing that pushed me to the choice of this career; I was also interested in possibility of research in this field. I also had a substantial practical experience while working for the three major newspapers and TV stations institutions in Saudi Arabia. I saw how the process of information collection, processing, analysis, and demonstration is going on from the inside. During this I time I also understood the responsibility which journalists take when working with information. It is not accidental that media industry workers are called a â€Å"fourth power† because they are able to form tendencies and opinions of people. My experience also enabled me to understand the necessity of Mass Communication for the gradual evolution of the society. But I also faced a lot of questions concern ing the mechanisms of Mass Communication and purposes of this phenomenon. Inability to find answers on my numerous requests personally led me to accepting an offer of an assistant lecturer position in King Saudi University and achieving a scholarship to study Mass Communication in a graduate school in the United States of America. This scholarship will allow me doing a deep and systematic research which I consider to be the only method of answering those questions.   My experience also enabled me to understand the necessity of Mass Communication.

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