Friday, May 31, 2019

Dale Earnhardt and Stock Car Racing Essay -- Stock Car Racing Dale Ear

Dale Earnhardt and Stock Car RacingOver 50 geezerhood ago a new sport was introduced. This sport was origination cable car racing. The organization that sponsors stock car racing is known as National Association of Stock Car Racing, NASCAR. The driver that is identifiable with NASCAR is definitely Dale Earnhardt. Over the years there have been firearmy great stock car racers from Cale Yarborough to Richard Petty and Davy Allison, but no other name was better known than Dale Earnhardt. Whether on the dawn or in the crowds, there is no possible way a person can look with come out of the closet seeing a black number troika or some other Earnhardt insignia. In introductory or last place, victory circle or behind the wall, the black GM Goodwrench Chevrolet could not be deprived of its respect. Who would have ever guessed that the legendary Dale Earnhardts life would be taken from him on the last lap of the biggest race of 2001?Dale Earnhardt was born on April 29, 1952. He was raise d in Kannapolis North Carolina. Dale started racing at age twelve and won his freshman race at age fifteen. After winning his first race Dale decided that this was what he wanted to do as a career. Dale dropped out of high school in the ninth grade. Dales parents did e very(prenominal)thing they could to try to exert him in school but they were unable to. Earnhardt would soon find out just how hard it would be on him and his future career though. Dale Earnhardt came from a family of stock car racers. Dales father being a racer himself knew how hard it was to start racing. That is the main reason he tried to keep Dale from dropping out of high school to race. They even offered Dale a new car to keep him in high school. (172) Dale Earnhardts grandfather was also a racer. Dale was not very close to him though. In an interview Earnhardt said that he regretted not knowing his grandfather very well. Earnhardt also mentioned the fact that his actions as a kid were gluey to him now. (173) Being one of the most dominant drivers on the track, Dale quickly earned the nickname the Intimidator. Dale won his first Winston Cup championship in 1980. After his first Winston Cup championship Dale went on to earn 6 more championships to tie Richard Petty with 7 victories. The nickname Intimidator fit Dale very well. He was known for cause wrecks to move himself up in the race. (173) After several complaints from other drivers... ....(61). Nobody can truly say what exactly happened that day and who knows if NASCAR will tell the justice in August but at least we will be closer to an answer than we are now.Earnhardt is the driver, the reason, and the person that made NASCAR is what it is today. Darrel Waltrip said it best when he said, We have lost the best thing that ever happened to NASCAR(61). As a renegade teenager or even a little fearsome racer, Earnhardt was the man who always came through. The legacy will be passed on through Dale Jr. and the Earnhardt name wi ll be respected for the years to come. Sure NASCAR will sire over this tragedy in time, but there will always be some trace of Intimidator, Dale Earnhardt.Works Cited1. Pare, Michael A. Sports Stars, Detroit/ sugar U-X-O Publishing Co. 1998.2. Bondi, Victor. American Decades 1980-1989, Detroit/Michigan Gale Research Inc. 19963. Dodge, Herb. Weve Lost Dale Earnhardt, Speedway Illustrated, (April 21, 2001) pgs. 72-85.4. Bartlett, Jeff. Circuit Breaker, The End of an Era, (April 16, 2001) pgs. 2-5.5. Dale Earnhardt, online February 21, 2001.6. Dale, online February 21, 2001.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Leonardo Pisano :: essays research papers

Leonardo PisanoI researched a scientist or rather a mathematician that made contributions to his discipline such that they retain affected a majority of the people that constitute lived on this earth since his time. His name is Leonardo Pisano. It is hypothesized that Leonardo was born in the town of Pisa which is in groundbreaking day Italy circa 1170. Leonardo moved at a young age with his fuss to a town in northern Algeria. Leonardos father held a diplomatic post where his job was to represent the merchants of the republic. At a young age Leonardo worked with numbers learning the in and outs of accounting and balancing word of honors. In Algeria and other countries that he visited with his father he learned different numbering frames and how they had advantages to the one that he grew up with. In Algeria from the Arabs he learned the prow 10 system and was responsible to spreading this system across Europe which in turn was spread across the world and is now the most ast ray used number system (Connor 1998). Most people today know Leonardo by his nickname Fibonacci. By the turn of the century Fibonacci had returned to Italy and began to write texts. He wrote on number theory, geometry, algebra, and documented problems and proofs. Fibonacci lived before the printing press had been invented and all copies of his books had to be had written copies from his own hand written copies. Today we still have four of his books Liber abaci (1202), Practica geometriae (1220), Flos (1225), and Liber quadratorum. According to an article by Keith Devlin, Executive Director of the Center for the Study of Language and Information at Stanford University, Fibonaccis first book Liber abaci is the book that gave numbers to the western world. Fibonacci was born in the Roman Empire and therefore was taught in his youth the Roman numeral system which is very constricting when one wants to calculate complex equations. As mentioned earlier Fibonacci traveled extensively in no rthern Africa with his father where he learned the base ten system from the Arabic people who in turn learned it from the people of India who developed it sometime in the first millennium. In his book Liber abaci or The Book of enumeration he documented the system in detail that he learned from the Arab traders including its efficiency in performing arithmetic (Delvin 2002).

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

The Future of Computer Programming :: Essays Papers

The Future of Computer ProgrammingComputers atomic number 18 probably the most important invention of this deoxycytidine monophosphate if not of all time. Right now raft use computers for just about e verything in the world and they are becoming a necessity in peoples lives just as galore(postnominal) other bracing technologies. To say you cannot use a computer this day and age is almost like saying you are illiterate. In order for computers to function and be accessible to people on that point must be applications or instructions for the computer. In order to make these applications single must write them by programming in a certain computer language. These languages are usually somewhat hard to learn and many people shy away from them. As technology has progressed there has been the development of new and easier programming languages but it is still hard for children and others without much computer experience to learn. Since there is this dilemma in the world today, the ma ny computer scientists and computer experts have come together to discuss new ways of approaching the problem. One response to this problem was the development of visual languages such as Visual C++ and Visual Basic. There also new languages being developed and improved on such as XML and Ruby. Many other languages are being developed at this moment and someday there will be languages simple equal for every nonpareil to use.The first form of programming appeared about the same time as the invention of one of the first computers in 1942, known as the ENIAC. Programming for this was very tedious and required the setting of switches and rewiring of wires. Programming for this computer progressed after some time but took a major turn in 1957 when the first of the many major languages came about known as FORTRAN. FORTRAN was good at scientific programming, but it had no help on the business world. In 1959 a new language called COBOL came about and it became known as the programming lan guage for businesses. In 1958 a language was developed that would have a huge effect on the programming industry. A scientific committee came up with the Algol language which led to creation of the popular languages we have today like C, C++, Java, and Pascal. In 1964 one of the first attempts at making a language for non-computer science people was developed by John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz called BASIC. In 1972 C was created by Dennis Ritchie and probably has had the biggest effect on computer of all the languages.

friendship in a separate peace by John Knowles :: essays papers

association in a separate peace by John Knowles Finding out who person genuinely is seat be a very difficult thing to do. Knowing who some one is inside and out takes time and dedication. I knowing that there are a few key factors when getting to know who some one really is. Character determination of a sponsor can be based on three things, honesty, trust, conflicts, and how they are resolved . The book a separate peace by John Knowles deals with all of these issues in the cutting of friendship. You can use these three factors to fill how good of a friend a person can be, and determine there true character.All by the fifteen years Ive lived this life there has always been one redundant term told over and over. Honesty is key, and if your talking about a friendship that s true. If you dont have honesty you dont have anything to base your relationship on. Being honest to a good friend should be subconscious, and if its not then I wouldnt consider them a good friend. You shoul dnt have to struggle with a friend to be honest. In a Separate peace Finny is always honest and speaks his mind. Gene on the other hand comes across honest, but you can never really tell. He should not have told Finny that he jostled the limb on purpose if he wasnt even sure himself. In the movie Dead Poet alliance each and every group member was honest to each other, and thats why they were the best of friends. Also, they learned to think honestly by themselves from their teacher through and through ways of poetry. Much like how Finny learned honesty through sportsmanship. Without knowing if Gene is honest or not, Finny and the members of the Dead Poet Society would have made oft better friends. These friends where honest, and therefore could trust each other. Trust each other to resolve conflicts and become stronger friends.Conflicts are another way to determine someones true character. When a conflict occurs you can see what they do and how they react to the situation. Li ke when someone is cornered, and in danger of losing their life. Those animal instincts are a great way to see who some one really is. In a separate peace Gene deals with his conflicts by not talking about them and pushing his feeling wipe out till they are gone.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Whats on the Menu? Essay -- Health, Obesity, Food Industry

TitleMuffin tops, Weight Watchers, Atkins, these are all among the jargon designated for the horizontally challenged today. These words and others are the runoff of a much larger problem, obesity. the Statesns today have made being inactive and feasting on junk fare acceptable, thereby greatly increase the region of the population that is extremely overweight. Excessive eating is not the lone source for this disproportionate problem of obesity, there are a myriad of causes and as many an(prenominal) solutions (Manson 1). No matter what the cause of obesity, the liberty to alter or wallow in their condition should remain the individuals rather than the regimes. corpulency reduces the quality of peoples lives, consequently the government is concerned by this threatening issue. However, instead of limiting peoples food choice the government should foster a goal of health in all their citizens (Balko 1). The government currently vouches for responsible decision making, more exerci sing, and maintaining a wholesome diet (Manson 1). This cheerleading habit that the government currently plays is most beneficial to its citizens. Given choices people decide what they want, and act upon it, but often a government regulation only cripples their resolve. peoples basic liberties give them the right to preside over their own health. A government has the duty to instill in its citizens a sense of accountability for maintaining their health, rather than to regulate what they eat, because in most cases people can be more successful in creating a healthy lifestyle through possession than through adherence to laws. Creating and enforcing public policy is a basic function of any government, however public policy is not an all-encompassing category,... ...nment realizes that they cannot afford to geld obesity. A couple hundred years ago Americans labored from sunrise to sunset farming, cooking, cleaning, and working. These Americans had no choice but to be fit, they had to work the land for the food they ate. These Americans knew how to appreciate and fully use their bodies. These men and women set a standard for the American work ethic. As society progressed, innovations allowed for more leisure time, and less bad physical labor. America looked to her past for a role of how to live, how to work, and somehow the noble-minded work ethic survived a little over a century. Now America has the opportunity to re-inspire herself through the legacy of her past, or stomp on the hard work of her forebearers. Each American can choose to reclaim and maintain their proud physique, through their daily individual healthy choices.

Whats on the Menu? Essay -- Health, Obesity, Food Industry

TitleMuffin tops, Weight Watchers, Atkins, these are all among the bank designated for the horizontally challenged today. These words and others are the runoff of a much larger problem, obesity. Americans today have made being inactive and feasting on dispute food acceptable, on that pointby greatly increase the percentage of the population that is extremely overweight. Excessive eating is not the lone source for this disproportionate problem of obesity, there are a myriad of causes and as many solutions (Manson 1). No matter what the cause of obesity, the liberty to alter or wallow in their condition should stay put the individuals rather than the governments. Obesity reduces the quality of peoples lives, consequently the government is concerned by this threatening issue. However, instead of constricting peoples food survival the government should foster a goal of health in all their citizens (Balko 1). The government currently vouches for responsible finding making, more e xercising, and maintaining a wholesome diet (Manson 1). This cheerleading role that the government currently plays is most beneficial to its citizens. Given choices people decide what they want, and act upon it, but much a government regulation only cripples their resolve. Peoples basic liberties give them the right to preside over their own health. A government has the trading to instill in its citizens a sense of responsibility for maintaining their health, rather than to regulate what they eat, because in most cases people can be more successful in creating a healthy lifestyle through self-discipline than through adherence to laws. Creating and enforcing national policy is a basic function of any government, however public policy is not an all-encompassing category,... ...nment realizes that they cannot afford to ignore obesity. A couple hundred years ago Americans labored from sunrise to sunset farming, cooking, cleaning, and working. These Americans had no choice but to be fit, they had to work the land for the food they ate. These Americans knew how to appreciate and fully use their bodies. These men and women set a standard for the American work ethic. As society progressed, innovations allowed for more leisure time, and less hard physical labor. America looked to her past for a role of how to live, how to work, and somehow the proud work ethic survived a little over a century. Now America has the opportunity to re-inspire herself through the legacy of her past, or stomp on the hard work of her forebearers. Each American can choose to reclaim and maintain their proud physique, through their daily individual healthy choices.

Monday, May 27, 2019

How to Be a Porn Star

We might all watch erotica, but wanting to star in it is a antithetical story for some of us at least. While the majority of the porn-watching population would rather keep their end upploits hidden between the sheets, there are the rare fewer who want to share their unclothed talents with the world. And this fantasy isnt so hard to achieve, thanks to the advice of porn stars Ashlynn Brooke and Shane Diesel who tell all you aspiring performers ein truththing you need to experience about how to test for a porn and get your foot (amongst former(a) things) in the door. AppearanceWhat kind of shape do you have to be in to taste for porn? Ashlynn Fortunately, being that sex is the most natural thing in the world and everyone enjoys it, this also means that people are naturally attracted to all distinct body shapes, sizes, etc. I think as long as you love your body and make up care of yourself, theres a certain amount of presumption and sexuality that shows through, and that dep art set you up for success. Be confident in your own skin Shane For a male its better to be fit, athletic and well-groomed if you look like youre fit, you most likely exercise.This carries over into your performance as far as endurance and stamina go you dont have to look like a bodybuilder, you just need to posses a nice, fit package no matter what age you are. Performance Are you expected to perform on the spot when you audition for a porn? If so, are you expected to demonstrate the stamina/skills of a seasoned performer? Ashlynn Yes, youre expected to put forth a performance. Although the sex will be enjoyable, and everyone will have a great clock, it isnt home sex. There is a level of professionalism and eroticism needed to make the scene a good one.Shane Yes If you have the nerves to try to be in the adult biz, then you should be able to perform like a seasoned vet. Sure, it takes time to make everything, but you have to remember you have a whole crew thats depending on you . Whatever the director orders you to do, try your best to give him or her as much time and open positions as they want in order to have a great scene. Are performance supplements accepted in the industry? Ashlynn Most of the time, supplements arent needed. Being that Im a girl, I definitely never use them.However, there are times when the situation isnt exactly ideal for the performers (i. e. , a scene in the desert that starts at 4 p. m. when the temperature is a smothering 95 degrees and its lasting until 9 p. m. when the temperature has dropped to 40 degrees). To sum it up, theyre not very common, but arent looked down upon. Shane Supplements yes, such as yohimbe, vitamin E, amino acids, ginseng, L-arginine, and saw palmetto. Thats a few, but there are many others that work well for other performers.If you are talking about Viagra or Cialis, then thats something thats not encouraged on sets, but if you need them, then you take them at your own risk and its not provided for you. Audition Tips Ron Jeremy told us that a mans only hope of getting past the audition phase is to go with a girl. Is this true? Ashlynn That is actually true to an extent. Its very helpful if the guy is requested by a girl/girls. Its a really good government agency for them to learn the way of the set, and it helps if they know the girl, making it a much easier experience for the break into the business.Shane Thats pretty much true he is dead-on about that. Shes your way in the door and your comfort zone. If she is your girlfriend, then you are more comfortable working with her, plus she knows the right buttons to push to take you over the top and she will help you keep that edge. It looks great walking into any room with a hot chick on your arm. Shane and Ashlynn keep dishing on how to audition for a porn Next Page AskMens Free Weekly Newsletter VIDEOS YOU MIGHT LIKE Get Six-Pack Abs With No Crunches Ben Wheatleys Tips For Cracking The F Promoted Put Some habilitate On Tha Madame NoirePromoted 30 Of The Hottest Female Athlete Rant Sports 12 by Taboola 67 BY ASHLYNN BROOKE & SHANE DIESEL Ashlynn Brooke & Shane Diesel LIFESTYLE CORRESPONDENTS LICENSE THIS ARTICLE cope Email Print RSS Pages 1 2 GUYS WHO READ THIS ALSO READ Highest Paying Jobs In The U. S. (AskMen) Porno Industry (AskMen) You Need To Relax (AskMen) Promoted How to Make a Career Change Without Starting Over (Levo League) Promoted P&O Cruises Spectacular Entertainment Both Aboard (P Cruises) ? HAVE YOUR SAY Read more http//uk. askmen. com/ bills/how_to_400/436_how_to. htmlixzz2DdGAUGXU

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Classification of the Tea Party Movement Essay

The teatime fellowship movement appears to be a instead unique entity. There is much confusion as to the exact classification of the afternoon tea companionship movement. Are they a governmental political party, an interest group, or a kindly movement? Even after countless internet searches a definitive answer was seemingly nowhere to be found. There ar tierce mathematical classifications of the tea leaf Party movement that will be explored. As intimately as information on which of the three systems would be the more rough-and-ready route for the movement to take and why that route would be the most effective. This should paint a clearer picture of the Tea Party movement and their actual classification. The world-class look will be at whether or not the Tea Party is a political party, an interest group, or a social movement. And hence at what would tolerate been the more effective approach and why that approach would have been more effective. The hope is that by the e nd of this, the reader will have a better idea of the Tea Party movements position as a social movement and why a graceful a separate political party would have been their most effective approach.Is the Tea Party movement a political party, an interest group, or a social movement? Power and Choice An Introduction to Political Science defines a political party as a group of officials or would be officials who are linked with a sizable group of citizens into an organization. A chief objective of this organization is to ensure that its officials attain power and are maintained in power (Shively, 2012, p. 251). The Tea Party movement clearly has a group of officials that they wanted to place into power. However, with no centralized leadership and little to no sample to separate from the republican Party one would be hard-pressed to argue them as a political party. Also, Ron Paul, who is often referred to as the godfather of the Tea Party movement, is shortly running for the republican nomination. The republican candidates are frequently campaigning for the votes of the Tea Party voters. Along with, seemingly every news outlet constantly mentioning how the republicans are fighting for the Tea Party vote the line between the two parties continue to blur.A Washington Post article states, at a 2012 presidential forum in upstart Orleans in June, (Michelle) Bachmann estimated that the tea party consists of 60 portion republicans, 20 percent independents and 20 percent democrats (Blake, Aaron Tea party democrats do exist. Washington Post. July 6, 2011. Web. March 7, 2012). This tells me that the Tea Party movement is a branch of the Republican Party that has differing views on some major issues, but slake identifies themselves as republicans. Therefore, no, by this evidence the Tea Party movement is not a political party. The Tea Party movement, however, also is not an interest group. match to Power and Choice An Introduction to Political Science an interest group is an organized group of citizens that has one of its goals ensuring that the state follows certain policies (Shively, 2012, p. 251). Historically groups such as Greenpeace, the National Rifle Association and the Air Force Sergeants Association have been classified as interest or pressure groups.These groups use their organization as a means to represent public opinion to giving medication officials. Looking at the definition of interest group one could possibly deduce that the Tea Party movement must be an interest group. Do they want to ensure that the state follows certain policies? Yes. They demand lower taxes, call for the elimination of deficit spending, and insist the government abides by the Constitution and the institution of fiscally conservative policies to eliminate the national debt. Just like with the democratic and republican political parties, the Tea Party movement shares some similarities with interest groups. One could easily consider the Tea Party movement an i nterest group. Especially if they have read the cyclopedia definition of interest group, also called special interest group or pressure group, any association of individuals or organizations, usually formally organized, that, on the backside of one or more shared concerns, attempts to influence public policy in its favor. All interest groups share a desire to affect government policy to benefit themselves or their causes.Their goal could be a policy that exclusively benefits group members or one segment of society (e.g., government subsidies for farmers) or a policy that advances a broader public purpose (e.g., improving air quality). They attempt to achieve their goals by lobbying (interest group (2012) In Encyclopedia Britannica Retrieved from http// afterwards reading that definition it seems that the Tea Party movement is an interest group, they do fit the definition extremely well. However, there is one other option. T he last possible classification to be explored is the social movement. Does the Tea Party movement fit the mold of a social movement? A social movement is define as loosely organized but sustained campaigns in support of a social goal, typically either the implementation or the prevention of a change in societys structure or values. Although social movements differ in size, they are all essentially collective.That is, they result from the more or less spontaneous coming together of people whose relationships are not defined by rules and procedures but who merely share a common outlook on society social movement (social movement (2012) In Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved from http// The Tea Party movement came to be in 2009 and 2010 with distrust in elected officials and wanting to remove them from power. They recall that the government has ignored the constitutional order of America (Shively, 2012, p. 309). To a person who is sparsely active in politics, the Tea Party movement may seem to be spontaneous and out of nowhere. But it could be easily argued that the political activist involved carried their feelings for many years prior to organizing the movement. But to an outsider they may have appeared to burst onto the scene. The Tea Party movement seems to be searching for a change in what they believe to be unconstitutional actions of the United States government, as well as trying to prevent the invasion of constitutional rights.Earlier, it was stated how one could see classifying the Tea Party movement as an interest group. However, after further research they seem to fit the mold of a social movement slightly more. Since the Tea Party movement is a social movement and not an interest group or political party, it needs to be determined which one would have been the outperform course of action for the movement to take. The best move the Tea Party movement could make would be to become a separa te political party. As a political party they would be able to run on a platform consisting completely of their own views. Why attempt to ride the coattails of the Republican Party? If the views differ enough to rally and callout the current elected officials, regardless of party, then new ones. The new party wont have to flummox about being held back by the differing views of the party of which they chose to attach themselves.If the numbers quoted earlier from Michelle Bachmann are correct (60 percent republicans, 20 percent independents and 20 percent democrats) they should have a rather good chance at winning some elections. Mike Gallagher, a Fox News Contributor, stated in a 2009 interview with Bill OReilly that, hed happily trade is republican card for a tea party card, if there was such a thing. Now, obviously this doesnt state how many hardline Tea Party voters there are, but it says that they appeal to some members of both major parties as well as the independents.Maybe run ning separately would give them a better chance of pulling more voters from the other parties and uniting their followers even more. aft(prenominal) first comparing the Tea Party movement to interest groups, and then social movements and finally political parties, the evidence showed that they are more of a social movement than the other two. The Encyclopedia definition cited earlier was what led to this conclusion. Although it is strictly an opinion, the Tea Party movement would be better served as a political party. This is mainly because they could focus their time and efforts on a campaign consisting of their views. Would they get my vote? No. But at least they would be able to aggress up all of their supporters into one basket.Works CitedEncyclopedia Britannica. (2012). Retrieved March 19, 2102, from http// Britannica. (2012). Retrieved March 19, 2012, from encyclopediabritannica.c om http//, W. P. (2012). Power & Choice An Introduction to Political Science. New York, New York McGraw-Hill.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Isp – Internet Service Provider

Internet proceeds provider * ISP (Internet service provider) * Regional ISPs provide Internet approach to a specific geographical area * discipline ISPs provide Internet access in cities and towns nationwide * Online service provider (OSP) * Has many members-only features * Popular OSPs include AOL (America Online) and MSN (Microsoft Network) * Wireless Internet service provider (WISP) * Provides radiocommunication Internet access to computers and mobile devices * May require a wireless waym An Internet service provider (ISP) is a company that provides access to the Internet.Access ISPs at one time connect customers to the Internet utilize copper wires, wireless or fiber-optic connections. 1 Hosting ISPs lease server space for smaller businesses and host other people servers (colocation). traverse ISPs provide large amounts of bandwidth for connecting hosting ISPs to access ISPs. 2 Internet connectivity options from end- user to Tier 3/2 ISPs * History The Internet started o ff as a closed network surrounded by government research laboratories and relevant parts of universities.As it became more popular, universities and colleges started giving more of their members access to it. As a result of its popularity, commercial Internet service providers sprang up to offer access to the Internet to anyone willing to pay for the service, mainly to those who missed their university accounts. In 1990, Brookline, Massachusetts-based The World became the first commercial ISP. 3 Access provider ISPs engage a range of technologies to enable consumers to connect to their network.For users and small businesses, traditional options include dial-up, DSL (typically Asymmetric Digital reviewer Line, ADSL), broadband wireless, cable modem, fiber to the set forth (FTTH), and Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) (typically basic rate interface). For customers with more demanding requirements, such as medium-to-large businesses, or other ISPs, DSL (often Single-Pair High-speed Digital Subscriber Line or ADSL), Ethernet, Metropolythian Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet, Frame Relay, ISDN (B. R. I. or P. R. I. ), ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) and upload satellite Internet access.Sync-optical cabling (SONET) are more likely to be used. citation needed Typical base of operations user connectivity * Broadband wireless access * Cable Internet * Dial-up * ISDN * Modem * DSL * FTTH * Wi-Fi Business-type connection * DSL * Metro Ethernet technology * Leased line * SHDSL Locality When using a dial-up or ISDN connection method, the ISP cannot determine the callers physical location to more detail than using the number transmitted using an appropriate form of caller-up ID it is constitutionally possible to e. g. connect to an ISP located in Mexico from the USA.Other means of connection such as cable or DSL require a fixed registered connection node, ordinarily associated at the ISP with a physical address. Mailbox provider A company or organization that pr ovides email mailbox hosting serve for end users and/or organizations. Many Mailbox Providers are also Access Providers. Hosting ISPs Hosting ISPs routinely provide email, FTP, and web-hosting services. Other services include virtual machines, clouds, or entire physical servers where customers can run their own custom software. Transit ISPsJust as their customers pay them for Internet access, ISPs themselves pay upstream ISPs for Internet access. An upstream ISP usually has a larger network than the contracting ISP and/or is able to provide the contracting ISP with access to parts of the Internet the contracting ISP by itself has no access to. In the simplest case, a single connection is established to an upstream ISP and is used to transmit data to or from areas of the Internet beyond the home network this mode of interconnection is often cascaded multiple times until r individuallying a Tier 1 carrier. In reality, the situation is often more complex.ISPs with more than one predi ct of presence (PoP) may have separate connections to an upstream ISP at multiple PoPs, or they may be customers of multiple upstream ISPs and may have connections to each one of them at one or more point of presence. Peering Main article Peering ISPs may engage in peering, where multiple ISPs interconnect at peering points or Internet exchange points (IXs), allowing routing of data between each network, without charging one another for the data transmitteddata that would otherwise have passed through a 3rd upstream ISP, incurring charges from the upstream ISP.ISPs requiring no upstream and having only customers (end customers and/or peer ISPs) are called Tier 1 ISPs. Network hardware, software and specifications, as nearly as the expertise of network management personnel are important in ensuring that data follows the most efficient route, and upstream connections work reliably. A tradeoff between cost and efficiency is possible. Derivatives The following are not a different type of the above ISPs, rather they are derivatives of the 3 core ISP types.A VISP is reselling either access or hosting services. Free ISPs are similar, but they just have a different revenue model. virtual(prenominal) ISP Main article Virtual ISP A Virtual ISP (VISP) is an operation which purchases services from another ISP (sometimes called a wholesale ISP in this context)4 which allow the VISPs customers to access the Internet using services and infrastructure possess and operated by the wholesale ISP. Free ISP Free ISPs are Internet Service Providers (ISPs) which provide service free of charge.Many free ISPs dis influence advertisements while the user is connected like commercial television, in a sense they are selling the users attention to the advertiser. Other free ISPs, often called freenets, are run on a nonprofit basis, usually with volunteer staff. Related services * Broadband Internet access * Fixed wireless access * Cable * Triple play * Internet hosting service * Web hos ting service * E-mail hosting service * DNS hosting service * Dynamic DNS

Friday, May 24, 2019

Is Corruption free India Possible? Essay

Even after 62 years of Indias independence, the plight of common man has worsened. Corrupt common servants, befog judges, fog police, etc ar proving to be parasites leading 5-star modus vivendis at taxpayers expense. They in their greed for coin, bribe are aiding & abetting terrorists, separatists, naxalites, underworld mafia, etc covertly & overtly, backstabbing our motherland. These bribe human race servants are crueler than Jalianwallah Bagh butcher General Dyer of British army. If Mahatma Gandhi was alive today, he would have been disgusted with the present way of democratic government, functioning of public servants & would have died ticker broken.If our independence martyrs like sri.Bhagath Singh or Sri. Madan Lal Dingra or Sri.Subhash Chandra Bose would have been alive they would have given a befitting reply to this corrupt police, corrupt judges, and public servants. Whenever, a common man raises his voice for thoice, he is silenced in various ways by the criminal nexus. The said criminal nexus has previously assay to silence me in many ways including attempts to murder, closure of newspaper etc. We can when we develop our roads n infrastructure we can control lot. On the other hand we should have eye old vehicles which are polluting lot n share autos too.I dont think so becuase it requires a lot of policy-making get out to impose anti pollution laws. And this semipolitical will is what is absent. Mere laws wouldnt suffice in a verdant with an overflowing population as ours, what we necessitate is strictI THINK COPPUPTION IS BIG PROBLEM IN GROWING COUNTRY I THINK WE ALL RESPONCEBLE FOR THIS BECAUSE WE ALL USE A shortcut FOR OUR WORK WE KNOW IS THIS A WRONG WAY BUT WE CLOSE OUR EYES & AFTER WE ARE PART OF COPPUPTION PLEASE FRIENDS STOP THIS & SOPPERT SELF FOR A MADE OF BATTER INDIA, THANKS FRIENDS FOR SOPPURT INDIA (NAMASKAR)EssayImproper and usually unlawful conduct intended to secure a benefit for oneself or another. Its forms include bribery, extortion, and the mistreat of inside information. It exists where there is community indifference or alack of enforcement policies. In societies with a culture of ritualized gift giving, the line between acceptable and out of the question gifts is often hard to draw. The last two decades of the existence of independence, India has seen a steep upward trend in the graph of existing subversive activity. The media, the public, the variety of forums for discussions and debates for the higher intelligentsia are all neck deep buried in highlighting the rampant subversion in e genuinely sphere. In this debate the rural folk are also not far behind. These days they are also very well aware of the malpractices in the highest of levels of all places. So much so that now, the average Indian has reached the highest level of disgust and disappointment at the way things are moving in this country.Let us first of all learn what is meant by corruption and corrupt practices. In brie f, anything that is below all standard norms of morality in a country, is called or defined as corruption and corrupt practices. These norms are a fixed standard in any given nightclub, and when these are broken we say that, a fellowship is getting corrupted. This corruption as we see it today is not a development that has practice overnight, it has been a continuous process for the last several decades and, to day it has seeped into the very blood menses of the organisation. What we have to study next is, why and how this monster of corruption has taken such a firm hold on India so much so that, the country of the legendary Harischandra, the honest has reached the position of one of the top ten or so of corrupt countries of the world.This is no mean achievement, and has taken a a couple of(prenominal) decades to fructify. It is not that, corruption did not exist earlier, it is not that to day there are no honest throng, then why do we all yes, I say all feel that, corrupti on is rampant everywhere and all the time. This is because of the simple reason that this malady has spread through the entire length and comprehensiveness of our social fabric and gone down to the deepest levels. How has this scrape up to be? Would be quite a pertinent question. The corrupt practices have now become our lifestyle to such an extent that, we do not seem to feel that there is anything wrong in what all we are doing., and that things should not be as they are. We, on the contrary are inclined to justify all wrong saying that, without doing wrong we cannot exist or be functional. When we start thinking that corruption is a must, then I feel that the situation has reached a point of no correction.This present apathy orients how far the degradation ofour note values have reached, and how low the system has dipped. When we start justifying all the wrongs we do, it is the beginning of the end., as, we are not and doing wrong, we are at the same time thinking that it is correct, then where can the scope be for correction? It would be rather interesting to note and specify as to how this process of continuous degeneration started, for it is the root that grows into a magnum manoeuvre. It is thus of great value to know who put the seed that grew into this poisonous tree. In this connection, it is understand that, this degeneration started from the top echelons of society, and then percolated downwards, without a hurdle. Who is at the top or the apex of our society? It is the set of people who have all the power that is invested in them by, us the people. Now, it is for the goodwill of this top layer of society to give the countrys society the trend it deems fit.Now, this layer at the top has been the politician who rules the country, and to say that the seeds of Indias corruption were sown by this class of our society, which has been at the helm of affairs of the country and today they have brought us to this point of no return as far as corruption is concerned. Where are politicians like Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru, Sardar Patel, and above all, the father of the nation, Mahatma Gandhi? It appears that India has stop producing men and women of such integrity. Perhapse the breed of such politicians and other men have stopped taking birth. Where is that erstwhile political party, the Indian National Congress, that loyally fought for the freedom of the country, where is the discipline to follow the clarion call of Mahatma Gandhi? each it seems to have been lost, and the same Congress that fought against foreign rule and ousted the foreigners is now all set to install a foreigner as the head of Independent India.What has all this come to, what can be the implications of a foreigner as the head of the state seem to be lost to this Congress which worked to oust the foreigners what a degradation of values. Have we Indians lost all self respect that we ourselves invite a foreigner to rule us? I dareasay we have become so immune to all fin er feelings that we do not mind doing anything as long as we meet our ends. All this is the ugliest face of the corruption in India. All our ethics, our self respect and love for our motherland is lost someplace in the last fifty years. Today we are standing at the threshold of a new millennium with, the eerstwhile Indian National Congress and many other parties without a single leader of stature.What does this show that, in the span of more than century, Congress has failed to produce a single leader, leave alone a leader of the stature of Sardar Patel and the like. Today the sets of politicians of all political parties are just money spinning actors just working to establish estates for their s nevertheless generations. The vision of a great India in the yes of the freedom fighters has been lost somewhere in our move in the last fifty years. When the oldest political party, the Congress presents such a dismal picture of honesty loyalty and service, what can be said or expected fr om the other much younger political parties. They are all bound to follow the footsteps of this erstwhile conglomerate of greedy money spinning politicians. Today, all the new political parties are following the path tread by the elder brother, the Congress, resulting in a mushroom growth of political parties all of the set pattern with no goals, no ethics, no ideals and no ideologies.This level being the highest level of our society is seen to have become most corrupt in the last two decades and the public is very well aware of the multi-scam decades of the eighties and nineties. Now, the scenario at the very top, can hardly allow for any property for any honesty to persist in any other layer of society. So, from this topmost layer, corruption has percolated to all levels and in all spheres of activities, and all this sure decorous because it suits the politician. The politician has encouraged the bureaucrat to be corrupt, and in turn the bureaucrat has enjoyed the protection of the politician, in all his nefarious activities. From the senior bureaucrat the virus of corruption has slowly and steadily seemed down to the lowest levels of functionaries. This has become a totally corrupt and incorrigible institution. The Indian society in all its entirety is corrupt to the core, and now corruption is like a drug, without which the addict finds it difficult to survive.With this slow and steady and continuous spread of the fangs of corruption, today the situation is such that, there is no place or activity which is bereft of the fruits of corruption. Now, corruption has become our way of life and to uproot it is a Herculean task. The tentacles of corruption can be dealt with only with an iron hand, and above all, must start cleaning from the top echelons of society. However, as we have seen umpteen times, this does not happen. Our experience shows that, as soon as a big name is involved in any corruption case, there is a lot of hullabulloo for some time, and it a ll dies down withthe passage of time and the corruption continues unabated. How does this happen? This is very obvious for all those who have to be at the clearing end are bought, so, no damage can ever come to the so called high ups. This is the main reason why there is never any breakthrough in any scam. In this situation it will be a wonder if anything tangible can really be achieved for, the high ups cannot be touched, and the lower formations need not be touched so we rest where we were at the beginning of any case.The scams which have come to light in last one decade have amounted to multi crores, they are being dealt with but, it is so awful that no politician has yet been punished for siphoning off so much of wealth of a poor country, what can be expected in a country when its protectors themselves become criminals. When the senior can not be punished how can there be any cleaning at the bottom. It would not even be fair to punish the lower rungs of the ladder when the h igher rungs continue to bask in the sunshine of their riches. The way in which these cases are being dealt with understandably indicate that no one will be hurt as, all those, yes all those who matter are involved in corruption. So, at present, the situation is of who will bell the cat? Everyone knows who the corrupt are but, the irony of our system is such that no one can be touched.If this situation remains any longer, it is a wonder if there could be any light at the end of the tunnel. India is reaping what it has sown, and the seed of corruption has grown up into a full size magnum tree which perhapse cannot be changed, replaced or cut. It appears thus that for the time being at least, we have to bear with it. Only God can do some magic. Irrespective of the locating of the wrong doer everyone, big or small, high or low, must be dealt with an iron hand, and that also at a fast speed.What is the use of just a show of dealings against corruption, while in reality all cases are just quietly shelved banking on the fact that, public memory is very short. All these cases are just a farce into which now, the Indian public an not be very easily fooled. At present there is no remedy for this tragic situation we are in, except pray to God that, HE gives unto us a dictator who is capable enough to deal with this freak of corruption with a strong hand or else it appears that we are doomed to drown in the deepest depths of corruption and that, we will soon find it impossible to come out of the labarynth knit around us by our own men yes our own men.Corruption in IndiaFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to navigation, search governmental corruption in India is a major concern.1 A 2005 study done by Transparency supranational (TI) in India found that more than 50% of the people had firsthand experience of paying bribe or peddling influence to get a job done in a public office.1 Taxes and bribes are common between state borders Transparency International estimates that truckers pay annually US$5 billion in bribes.2 For 2010, India was ranked 87th of 178th countries in Transparency Internationals Corruption Perceptions Index, which was a huge setback from the preceding year. Criminalization of Indian politics is a problem.34 In July 2008 The Washington Post reported that well a fourth of the 540 Indian Parliament members faced criminal charges, including human trafficking, immigration rackets, embezzlement, rape and even murder.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Religion’s Effect on American Policies

the States is a country that is characterized as being a nation with seven-fold cultures, multiple ethnicities, and multiple pietisms. Plurality in all aspects of the Statesn nightspots classifications is something that is espoused by most Americans. Numerous individuals with variant backgrounds come together on American soil to form and make up the nation that is establish on equivalence and democracy. Inclusion of all the diverse backgrounds devote within this antiauthoritarian society is the main goal of most American social institutions. trust is one of the main aspects of an individuals background that influences his or her behavior and epitome about life. worship in America goes beyond an individuals everyday life. (Minkenberg, 2) In fact, godliness even affects the numerous American policies conceptualized by the government. Religion is such a potent force that its effect on American policies is not even dependent on the rate of citizens that attend churches for the different worships present in the United States. Minkenberg, 2) This means that worship is able to affect modification in US government policies despite possible increases or decreases in phantasmal Americans over given periods of time. The effects on American policies ar not a result of the country becoming much spiritual as a whole but rather on the strength of righteousness itself as an entity enforcing change in political systems. (Minkenber, 5) There are many who emphasize their dissimilarity with moralitys effect on American insurance policy. These individuals believe that theology should not be allowed to affect government policies so strongly or at all.However, it is this papers argument that morality should is not a requisite aspect of political and that piety affecting American strange policy should not be acceptable or encouraged. A presentation of the valid arguments with take to this thesis allow be made. Counter arguments will too be presented and refuted in order to provide a exempt view into the fact that organized religion is and so one of the crucial work outs to be considered by Americas political bodies. Before establishing why religion is not an important aspect of American policies, it should first be established that religion is in fact affecting the give tongue to policies.A Study on Religion and the Role of It on People and Media.One light-headed example is given by the policies made during the system of President George W. Bush. despite the fact that America is experiencing a decrease in church-goers, it is measured to be more than sacred than equivalent Western countries in Europe. This is testify by its lodgment of more than 200 television channels for evangelism. (God and American diplomacy, 33) Religion is seen to take a role in the governments political decisions through the super religious character of the President, himself.The United States stand on Israel is a clear case of Christianity bec oming the driving force behind foreign policies. Instead of considering the interests of America, as a whole, the drive is largely to expand Christianity and to establish its hold on a nation like Israel. (God and American diplomacy, 33) Sam Harris in his book The displace of Faith stresses that religion, specifically Christianity, has affected America in terms of sex and drug policies. Policies such as those against abortion are clear examples of the effects of religion on American policies.Harris goes on to critique such policies as being the main factors behind Americas moving towards a formation of a theocratic society, a society believing that its course is determined by a divine being. Religions role in America mustiness not be equated to its role in a theocratic society. (God and American diplomacy, 33) This is a clear inability to separate church from state, one of the most indwelling aspects of American society. This is also a clear argument against religions evident rol e in American policy-making.Another clear argument against religion affecting American policies is based on the fact that America is a multi-cultural nation. It houses numerous different religions. Not all religions have the same positions and looks wishinging policies. (God and American diplomacy, 33) As a result, when religion is allowed to affect US national and internationalistic policies, whole when a few of the total number of religions in the country are represented. It is plainly those religions with the loudest voices in America or those with members in the upper echelons of power that are able to affect changes in policies.This is no longer democracy or equality at work. However, in that respect are those who posit that religion is in fact necessary in the development and implementation of American policies. One of the arguments for religion to be considered in policy-making lies on the fact that Americas relationship with other nations may be based on such religiou s foundations. A number of the international troths occurring today are largely religious in nature or are motivated by religious traditions. (Minkenberg, 4) One clear example is the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11. Miles, 23) Although there are many reasons behind the verbalise attack, there is no doubt that religion played a role. Miles (35-37), indicates that a strengthening of American foreign policy towards a confirmation of US religious freedom would show countries, such as those the September 11 terrorists were associated to, that America does not stun a religious threat on anyone. Protection of the country through a portrayal of its acceptance of all religions with equal regard via the mechanisms of American policies is give tongue to to be very much a necessity in a world that is largely classified by religious traditions and belief system.However, espousal of religious freedom does not equate to allowing religion to dominate American policies. Also, thi s logic assumes that if other nations are shown that religion is widely accepted in America, other points of conflict will be foregone. Religion may be one of the motivations behind international conflicts but it is not a primary factor behind the said conflicts. Addressing economic and political factors would be more prudent as opposed to alone allowing religion to take free reign. Also, religion is shown to only be efficacious to policies when taken at this angle America has numerous religions.We accept them all. This is not the true form of religions effects on American policy and does not even begin to address the numerous global implications of the weightier religion-based policies of America such as those made regarding Israel. Another argument states that religion is actually a very potent source of adaptive social change. Patrick Fagan states some of the social benefits that are derived from religion in his article Why religion matters even more the impact of religious pra ctice on social stability.He indicates that through religion, marital happiness and stability are increased, parent-child relationships are strengthened, educational aspirations and achievement are increased, physical health is improved, well-being and happiness are increased, crime rates are lowered, and community-cohesion is strengthened. In Why religion matters even more the impact of religious practice on social stability, Fagan indicates that the separation of church and state simply meant that a single state-approved church could not be allowed to exist.He imposes his ideas that the government, especially Congress, should initiate themselves with regards to the benefits to be derived from religion and its practice. He also stresses that policies should be made with religion in mind and that data on religions potency should be included and considered in debates and discussions regarding American policy. Because religion is effective in creating social change in empirical studi es conducted in the community-level, it should thus be considered for policies whose implementation will involve an finished nations population.The main problem with Fagans account of religion and then his recommendations for its use in policy-making is that the success of religions success on marginal issues will not equate to its success in essential issues. (God and American diplomacy, 33) Just because religion was shown to have a high measure out in practices and regulations set for smaller populations doesnt mean that it will be able to give an equal value for policies and rules set for the entire nation of America.Read also Analyze the Ways in Which British Imperial PoliciesAlso, because it was able to generate positive feedback for areas such as marriage, crime, and community cohesion, it does not mean that religion will be able to generate adaptive ideas for the more complex issues of the same area. These issues may include homosexual marriages, death punishment imposition , and community governance. For more complex matters as the latter, religion is no longer relevant and allowing it to become a factor in such policies would not only be foolhardy but would even be dangerous in the long run.Also, religions application on a small case with individuals practicing only one type of religion does not indicate that it will have equal applicability in a nation that has numerous different religions. The separation of church and state does include that no specific state-ordained church must exist. However, the reasons and thinking behind such a separation are deeper than simply allowing for religious freedom. Considerations such as oppression of the nonage and inability to account for all the beliefs and principles of the collection of religions in America were also made.It is clear that religion is indeed affecting American policies. This change is not warranted and should not be condoned. Policy-makers should take an active stand for the separation of chur ch and state. Policies with religion as one of its factors will, in the end, prove to be biased and geared towards the progression of only one part of American society. Government decisions should be based on more economic, political, and representative norms.America is a country that is characterized as being a nation with multiple cultures, multiple ethnicities, and multiple religions. Plurality in all aspects of American societys classifications is something that is espoused by most Americans. Numerous individuals with different backgrounds come together on American soil to form and make up the nation that is established on equality and democracy. Inclusion of all the diverse backgrounds present within this democratic society is the main goal of most American social institutions.Religion is one of the main aspects of an individuals background that influences his or her behavior and analysis about life. Religion in America goes beyond an individuals everyday life. (Minkenberg, 2 ) In fact, religion even affects the numerous American policies conceptualized by the government. Religion is such a potent force that its effect on American policies is not even dependent on the rate of citizens that attend churches for the different religions present in the United States. (Minkenberg, 2) This means that religion is able to affect change in US government policies despite possible increases or decreases in religious Americans over given periods of time. The effects on American policies are not a result of the country becoming more religious as a whole but rather on the strength of religion itself as an entity enforcing change in political systems. (Minkenber, 5)There are many who emphasize their disagreement with religions effect on American policy. These individuals believe that religion should not be allowed to affect government policies so strongly or at all. However, it is this papers argument that religion should is not a necessary aspect of policy-making and t hat religion affecting American foreign policy should not be acceptable or encouraged. A presentation of the valid arguments with regard to this thesis will be made. Counter arguments will also be presented and refuted in order to provide a clear view into the fact that religion is indeed one of the crucial factors to be considered by Americas policy-making bodies.Before establishing why religion is not an important aspect of American policies, it should first be established that religion is in fact affecting the said policies. One clear example is given by the policies made during the administration of President George W. Bush. Despite the fact that America is experiencing a decrease in church-goers, it is measured to be more religious than equivalent Western countries in Europe. This is evidenced by its housing of more than 200 television channels for evangelism. (God and American diplomacy, 33) Religion is seen to take a role in the governments policy-making decisions through the highly religious character of the President, himself. The United States stand on Israel is a clear case of Christianity becoming the driving force behind foreign policies. Instead of considering the interests of America, as a whole, the drive is largely to expand Christianity and to establish its hold on a nation like Israel. (God and American diplomacy, 33)Sam Harris in his book The remnant of Faith stresses that religion, specifically Christianity, has affected America in terms of sex and drug policies. Policies such as those against abortion are clear examples of the effects of religion on American policies. Harris goes on to critique such policies as being the main factors behind Americas moving towards a formation of a theocratic society, a society believing that its course is determined by a divine being. Religions role in America must not be equated to its role in a theocratic society. (God and American diplomacy, 33) This is a clear inability to separate church from state, one of the most essential aspects of American society. This is also a clear argument against religions evident role in American policy-making.Another clear argument against religion affecting American policies is based on the fact that America is a multi-cultural nation. It houses numerous different religions. Not all religions have the same positions and beliefs regarding policies. (God and American diplomacy, 33) As a result, when religion is allowed to affect US national and international policies, only a few of the total number of religions in the country are represented. It is only those religions with the loudest voices in America or those with members in the upper echelons of power that are able to affect changes in policies. This is no longer democracy or equality at work.However, there are those who posit that religion is in fact necessary in the development and implementation of American policies. One of the arguments for religion to be considered in policy-making lies on the fact that Americas relationship with other nations may be based on such religious foundations. A number of the international conflicts occurring today are largely religious in nature or are motivated by religious traditions. (Minkenberg, 4) One clear example is the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11. (Miles, 23) Although there are many reasons behind the said attack, there is no doubt that religion played a role. Miles (35-37), indicates that a strengthening of American foreign policy towards a confirmation of US religious freedom would show countries, such as those the September 11 terrorists were associated to, that America does not pose a religious threat on anyone. Protection of the country through a portrayal of its acceptance of all religions with equal regard via the mechanisms of American policies is said to be very much a necessity in a world that is largely classified by religious traditions and belief system.However, espousal of religious freedom does no t equate to allowing religion to dominate American policies. Also, this logic assumes that if other nations are shown that religion is widely accepted in America, other points of conflict will be foregone. Religion may be one of the motivations behind international conflicts but it is not a primary factor behind the said conflicts. Addressing economic and political factors would be more prudent as opposed to simply allowing religion to take free reign. Also, religion is shown to only be useful to policies when taken at this angle America has numerous religions. We accept them all. This is not the true form of religions effects on American policy and does not even begin to address the numerous global implications of the weightier religion-based policies of America such as those made regarding Israel.Another argument states that religion is actually a very potent source of adaptive social change. Patrick Fagan states some of the social benefits that are derived from religion in his ar ticle Why religion matters even more the impact of religious practice on social stability. He indicates that through religion, marital happiness and stability are increased, parent-child relationships are strengthened, educational aspirations and achievement are increased, physical health is improved, well-being and happiness are increased, crime rates are lowered, and community-cohesion is strengthened.In Why religion matters even more the impact of religious practice on social stability, Fagan indicates that the separation of church and state simply meant that a single state-approved church could not be allowed to exist. He imposes his ideas that the government, especially Congress, should educate themselves with regards to the benefits to be derived from religion and its practice. He also stresses that policies should be made with religion in mind and that data on religions potency should be included and considered in debates and discussions regarding American policy. Because rel igion is effective in creating social change in empirical studies conducted in the community-level, it should thus be considered for policies whose implementation will involve an entire nations population.The main problem with Fagans account of religion and then his recommendations for its use in policy-making is that the success of religions success on marginal issues will not equate to its success in essential issues. (God and American diplomacy, 33) Just because religion was shown to have a high value in practices and regulations set for smaller populations doesnt mean that it will be able to give an equal value for policies and rules set for the entire nation of America. Also, because it was able to generate positive feedback for areas such as marriage, crime, and community cohesion, it does not mean that religion will be able to generate adaptive ideas for the more complex issues of the same area. These issues may include homosexual marriages, death penalty imposition, and comm unity governance. For more complex matters as the latter, religion is no longer relevant and allowing it to become a factor in such policies would not only be foolhardy but would even be dangerous in the long run.Also, religions application on a small scale with individuals practicing only one type of religion does not indicate that it will have equal applicability in a nation that has numerous different religions. The separation of church and state does include that no specific state-ordained church must exist. However, the reasons and thinking behind such a separation are deeper than simply allowing for religious freedom. Considerations such as oppression of the minority and inability to account for all the beliefs and principles of the collection of religions in America were also made.It is clear that religion is indeed affecting American policies. This change is not warranted and should not be condoned. Policy-makers should take an active stand for the separation of church and s tate. Policies with religion as one of its factors will, in the end, prove to be biased and geared towards the betterment of only one part of American society. Government decisions should be based on more economic, political, and democratic norms.ReferencesAnonymous. God and American diplomacy. Economist, 366(2003) 33 Business etymon Premier. EBSCO. 18 April 2008 Fagan, Patrick F. Why religion matters even more the impact of religious practice on social stability. 18 December 2006 Heritage Foundation. 18 April 2008 Harris, Sam. The End of Faith. New York W. W. Norton, 2005.Miles, Jack. Religion and American foreign policy. Survival, 46(2004) 23-37Minkenberg, Michael. Religious effects on immigration policies. Paper presented at the ECPR 32nd Joint Session of Workshops, Uppsala, March 2004.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Power of Active Directory in Windows Server 2003 Essay

In order to understand the concept of officious directory first lets take a look at directory armed service. Directory Service is a service which stores information of using and managing different objects of network at a centralized point. Those objects include printing waiters, file servers, printers fax servers etc .The directory service stores entirely of the information regarding the resources and at the same time provides mechanism of easy access to the resources information for the users. Active directory is also a directory service in windows server 2003 which stores information about the netwrok resources and about the services that make this information available to the users.Now lets look at the power and key features of wide awake directory in windows server 2003Multiple selections of directory objects We hatful change the common attributes of many users at the star time.Drag-and-drop functionality You just need to drag and drop the directory objects from one contai ner to another(prenominal) in order to move themEfficient search capabilities The object oriented searching facility provides efficient search minimizing the traffic on the network.Saved queries The active directory queries abide be saved, exported, reopened and refreshed, and the results of the attributed queries open fire also be exported.Active Directory command-line tools A number of command line tools argon available to manage the active directory. Those tools are Ntdsutil, Dsget, Dsrm, Dsmod, Csvde, Dsadd, Dsquery, Dsmove and Ldifde. Domain functional levels Active directorys domain wide features in your network gage be enable using domain functional levels. timber functional levels The Active directorys forest wide features in your network can also be now enabled using forest functional levels. adept All Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) traffic All Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) traffic is signed and encrypted by Active directorys administrative t ools, by default. It ensures that the data is not corrupted and that it is coming from the known source.Active directory quota With Active directory quota, the ownership of objects by a user, computer or group can be limited by assigning quotas.New Group Policy settings more than 200 group policy setting are included in windows server 2003s active directory.New Resultant Set Of Policy (RSoP) Wizard is included which enables you to check the policies assigned to a specific user or computer.Folder redirection is also made very easy.Advanced options for software installation are available, which makes installation process easy and administration effective.InetOrgPerson class has been added to enhance the tribute and it can be used in the same way as the user class is used.Cross forest support is also provided.The Software restraint Policies that are included can identify unwanted or hostile soft wares and hence will not let them execute on the computer. plainly this requires that th e system is either being run on Microsoft Windows XP Professional or on a family member of Windows Server 2003.Domain controller renaming The domain controllers, without demoting, can now be renamed with the active directory of windows server 2003.As well as the domain name can now also be renamed with this.In the domain hierarchy, the domains can be moved from one location to another.The two way transitivity can now be extended by creating forest trust.The users access of one domain or forest can be allowed, disallowed or given selective access to another domain of forest.Unnecessary objects of the schema can be deactivatedIn order to link the auxiliary classes to the objects on dynamic bases, extra support is provided.When the partial attribution set is extended , the resulted administrative actions take shopping centre at that time the Tuning global catalog replication is available for preserving global catalogs state of synchronizationAll in all the active directory of Windows server 2003 provides a lot of additional features which to facilitate the management, administration and usage of resources in the network. The security additions are also very remarkable and a lot of flexibility is given to the administrator to check and configure different parameters of the network. Other than this some work has also to improve the responsiveness of the network and to provide with the network traffic.Flexibility for moving objects and domains, and for renaming them is also made easy .And with the new policies introduced the access of a user from one domain of forest to another can also be a controlled effectively. Providing these all functionalities and flexibilities to the networks administrators and mangers make their tasks of access controls, security, managing of objects etc very easy.ReferencesSpealman, Jill, & Hudson, Kurt (2004). Windows Server 2003 Active Directory Infrastructure. Redmond ,Washington Microsoft Press.Jones, Don (2003). Windows Server 2003 Weekend Crash course. NewYork Wiley Publishing Inc..

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Going Back to School Essay

Returning to develop was something I alway intended to do in my life. I knew there would be some obstacles and vault i would moderate to overcome to constrain my dream come true. Here are some obstacles I had to overcome in my past with previous discipline experinces I have had to return patronize to school. When I was younger, I remember my mom waking my older brother up and sending him off to school. I would get so mad, because I wanted to go. Than eventually my day came, I got up and off to school I went. Elementary school was the great. I love playing with the other kids. Kindergarten through fifth grade made me feel like school was a game.Yeah, we learned our basic studies, but we had fun doing it. Than came measure for moving on up to middle school. My first couple of weeks were okay, but the work started getting harder, the other kids werent very nice and we didnt have much free time. I didnt like it, but it was something I got used too and I stuck it out. Finally, my ninth year came, I was a starting motor in high school. I hated it, I was always getting pushed around and made fun of because my family didnt have much money. I didnt have name brand shoes or clothes. Everybody kept telling me I needed an eduacation to get anywhere in this world.Well I tried, finally when I was seventeen, only six months before graduation, I got so fed up, I dropped out. Once I turned eighteen, I realized it was time to make a life of my own. My family shouldnt have to support me. So I went out and found me a job. I was so proud of this job. I was doing good, or so I thought. After a few years of working for this company, I figured out I was already at the top of the ladder, I couldnt go up anymore. I had to better my life. I needed a higher education. I got it in my head and went and got my GED. Than once again my education process stopped right there.Out of the blue one day, my mom calls and tells me about these online college courses. She knew I didnt I didnt want to go seat in a classroom. This struck some interest in me. It took me a few days, but I called and got enrolled. When I started my first class, I was a secondment nervous, it took sometime to get back into the swing of things. Im still somewhat nervous but it gets better with each class. Going back to school was the hardest decision I have ever had to make. Well, it took the longest time anyway. I am so glad I decided to go back. Being back at school makes me feel so much better about myself. This is one thing I wont quit again.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Essay

1.Post traumatic stress disorder (posttraumatic stress disorder) or burn-out has continuously been and issue for paramedics and other(a) emergency responders, simply it wasnt recognized or even considered to be a signifi dejectiont problem. The causes of PTSD range from a major life-threatening incident (e.g. war, act of violence, accident and disaster) to a prolonged series of events (e.g. bullying, harasswork forcet, abuse, living with a reddish partner). PTSD was introduced in the 1980s, before then it has been cognise by many names including shell shock, war neurosis, soldiers heart, gross stress reaction, flitting situation disturbance, combat stress, combat fatigue, battle fatigue, stress breakd admit, traumatic neurosis. The fol slumping is a list of PTSD symptoms that I have gathered from various sources, but mostly from psychology courses that I have interpreted in the paramedic program*sleep problems, nightmares and waking early*flashbacks and replays which the victi m cant replacing off*impaired memory, forgetfulness, inability to re impose names, facts and dates that are well known to you*impaired concentration* worthless memory and inability to concentrate*exaggerated startle response*irritability, sudden intense anger, occasional violent outbursts*panic attacks*hypersensitivity, whereby every remark is perceived as critical1*obsessive the experience takes over your life, you cant get it out of your mind*joint and muscle pains which have no obvious cause*feelings of nervousness, anxiety*reactive depression*excessive levels of shame, embarrassment*survivor guilt for having survived when others perished*a feeling of having been assumption a second chance at life*undue fear*low self-esteem and shattered self-confidence*emotional numbness, inability to feel love or joy*feelings of pullout*avoidance of anything that reminds you of the experience*physical and mental paralysis at any reminder of the experienceSo what types of experiences are mo st likely to cause PTSD? Is PTSD more prevalent in super populated areas or is it just as likely in less populated regions?Im most interested in PTSD rates of paramedics because Im a paramedic assimilator just starting to participate in ambulance ride outs. So in three days I start getting exposed to the same situations as real paramedics. Forsomeone who depart be entrance the service next year I want to avoid PTSD myself so I can have a long and healthy career as a paramedic.2When I firstborn became interested in becoming a paramedic I heard from friends and others in the emergency function that a lot of paramedics quit and go on to other jobs because of the stress. This sounded logical to me but of coarse I couldnt be sure till I either experienced it or researched the matter. I will be alternating my ride-outs between two ambulance bases. One that has a low call volume and the other has a high call volume.Here are a few facts from the Mosbys Paramedic schoolbook that is pr obably the most widely used in North America About 30% of men and women who spent time in war zones experience this disorder. (Sanders, 2001, p.1152)-Posttraumatic Syndrome frequently occurs aftercancel or benevolent disasters and accidents. (Sanders, 2001, p.1152)-Depression, alcohol or other substance abuseoften accompanies posttraumatic syndrome. (Sanders, 2001, p.1152)-About 5.2 million people in the United States have posttraumatic syndromeduring the course of a given year (Sanders, 2001, p.1152).I think the cognitive side is the most appropriate for dealing with and answering this question. The cognitive perspective shows how we encode, process, store, and retrieve study (Myers, 2001, p.6). Paramedics are proficient in there during high stress emergency calls, how they encode and process this instruction at the shootingand after the call during a debriefing is important. How they store and retrieve the information is crucial. It can be modify by there own actions or the actions of others at the scene or even how they perceive the call went.2.Students who are in- partition whitethorn have the benefit of the instructor being available constantly for questions and clarification but I believe distance learning students have the will to learn. Distance students can schedule their own study time for when there ready and focused on the work. In- mannequin students have to conform to a given schedule and may not be totally focused having to conform to a schedule. The students enrolled in a distance learning course will learn more about psychology.I would choose the descriptive method to observe and record the student through surveys and testing. Observations of assignment scores, surprise surveys throughout the course that pronounce the students come near through the course. Research into past courses may be helpful also. How did distance students and in-class students perform in the past? Natural observations will be the biggest indicator, just sit bac k and watch the students learn and how they progress on assignments and exams. Surveys where the students report there take on the benefits of whichever way there taking the class (distance/in-class).4The independent variable is the information the students are exposed too. The teachers lectures, comments and insights in the schoolroom scope compared to the prewritten notes that are sent to distance education students. Dependent variables are how well the students learn in the classroom atmosphere, and how the other students learn with prewritten notes.As for measuring, the mean is more valuable here. Ill want to know whichclass had the better average. Of course the data may be affected by those who are biographyed for interest exactly and arent concerned with grades. That would also affect the range. I could knock off grades that obviously arent putting green in a psychology course, those who score abnormally low or high compared to the grades of past courses. measuring stick deviation would show me better the difference in scores compared to the meanThe participants could easily be the students who register for distance learning and those for an in class course. Some background research would need to be do to eliminate those who may have a background in psychology. The idea participants have no psychology experience at all.The experimental group would be the distance learning students. Can they succeed with the information that is depictd? The control group is the students in traditionally taught class.5Students in distance learning will provide a broader variety of answers on assignments, tests and surveys. This is because distance learning students can stop in the middle of the culture the course notes and use other sources for clarification or to expand on an unfamiliar topic. Students in class will most likely regurgitate information provided in class.Research strength would be the natural progression of the students which should be comparable t o past course that where taught through distance learning and in class.A weakness would be that the teacher may unknowingly emphasize or provide more information on certain topics that assignments and exams will focus on. Since the distance students only have prewritten notes they can only go with what is provided. Some students enrolled in distance learning maybe only taking the course for interest and may consider the final grade unimportant compared to a full-time student who needs to achieve substantially grades to graduate.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Fail to Succeed

? Fail to Succeed Hello, I would like to introduce you to a polar way of turn overing about loser. Most of us know or see fortunate heap in our daily lives. some(prenominal) of us wonder if we will ever be productive. Some of us think that the successful person has always been this way. I direct even considerd people input signal that success was given to that successful person. Either way you look at it or whatever you think about success. I keep assure you most of the successful people you see became successful later on some type of unwrapure. Failure to succeed is not about failure it is about using your failures to give success.I think at some point we obtain every last(predicate) failed in something. If you have neer failed you probably just dont remember. Even the minor(ip)est failures can change our lives. Failure goes as further back as nurture to walk. We may not remember it but the first time we fell, our particular baby brain says we dont want to do tha t again. As we got older we lose a math question on a test, or had a couple of run on sentences in an English essay. We dont really think about these things because they are so small but, they were all failures. We did figure out how to improve in these areas either consciously or sub consciously and we learned from that failure.We may have even become a success at what we improved on. Some people learned so much from falling down, they became stuntmen/women. Some failed so miserably in math they became accountants for the u. s government. Hans Christian Anderson had dyslexia. His condition is by no means a failure but his advance(prenominal) years of learning to read write were full of failures. He became unmatchable of our greatest writers in history. each failures can lead to success. I worked for a large marketing company for about 2 years. I was a speaking for a well known real estate millionaire. His name is Robert Allen. Robert Allen filed bankruptcy in the early 80s.He had acquired millions of dollars in real estate and when the bottom fell out so did his bank account. Of course he was down and out months. He went from a 10,000 square feet house in Colorado to a 2 bedroom apartment in San Diego. He had lost everything. After this failure he realized he could be successful in the same business if he changed a couple things. He began to write down all his thoughts and ideas and came up with 7 steps to be successful in real estate without using any money. He bean to put his ideas to work and deep down a year from his failure he was successful again.He has become a real estate millionaire again and has written many books about investing in real estate. His main focus to all of his books fall back to his big failure in the early 80s. He mentions in one of his books, without that failure he could have never been as successful as he is today. He failed to succeed. I spent this last summer on the football game field as an assistant coach for my sons fo otball team. We practiced and practiced and had a attracter of fun. Kids get used to short-changeing against the same other shaver during practice and they get comfortable.This was my sons first season and he was fired up, excited. Finally the first game had arrived. He was so excited and ready to go in his new uniform with all the gear. He felt like a real football hero before the game even started. First play of the game, he lines up and a bigger kid knocks him flat on his butt. Oh, he cried and cried and was terrified. This went on for a game or two. Finally, I told him it was time to be the hammer and not the nail. He thought this was a good idea too. I gave him a couple of tips and he became the best defensive lineman on the team.This was not because of my tips but because he was tired of failing. Once he realized he could be successful in this situation, failure was no longer an option. Although his failure was small to the coaches or even his buddies, it meant a lot to hi m. Without this failure he never would have learned that some else was capable of beating him in this position. direct he is always ready to go head to head no matter who is in forepart of him. He succeeded by failure. In conclusion I just want to be sure when you fail you realize why you failed. Failure can be a great success as you have read in my examples.At first it may not seem so but as we analyze our failures we can become a much greater success than before we failed. I have taken advice from many people in my life, most of them much older than I. I like to hear what people have to say about their failures and success because most of the time they are closely related. We can also learn from others who have failed before we fail on our own. I think failure is frequently overlooked as good education. I believe failure to be one of our best learning tools. So, I hope you can fail and become successful, I hope you can fail with confidence, I hope you fail to succeed.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

My Ideal Teacher Essay

In my college thise are many teachiss. Each one teaches us antithetical casings. Although completely(a) of them are fairly good, thise is one teachis whom I love and admire the closely. his name is MR. ali. he is the most pleasing personality that I have ever come across. he is an ideal teachis. he has all those qualities which a good teachis is expected to have.Mrs. Ali is a science teachis. he loves the subject that he teaches and has an in-depth knowledge of it too. he teaches science almost as though it were a hobby class. he does not adopt the sometime(a) methods of teaching. In fact we even forget at times that he is teaching us from our text edition books.Science comes alive in MR. alis class. When he teaches, no one talks about anything only when the topic that he discusses. he has the ability to draw out attention to the subject and also to deem it. he conducts various experiments in the class and demonstrates them thus making it much easier for us to see what he tea ches. he does not merely read from the book simply gives us a concrete demo of everything, so that we see them before us.Although his subject is science, MR. ali has a good knowledge of othis subjects also. he is well midazolam with all the current affairs of the world and he often links what we are studying to something that whitethorn have been taught somewhise else in the world. he encourages us to ask questions so that we may be able to understand the subject well. he never loses patience with those students who take long to grasp the subject.MR. ali gives personal attention to all the students. If, by chance, any student tries to play the fool in his class, he is firm and does not bring home the bacon that to happen. he is a great combination of kindness and strictness. he encourages the students to ask each othis and his anything with regard to the subject so that a healthy discussion generates new ideas and increases our curiosity about the subject.- he is very popular, bu t he is not conceited. he is courteous to his colleagues and the principal of the college. I have never seen his frown or lose his temper. he remains calm even when thise is a crisis of any kind. he makes me love spillage to college. I always look forward to my science period.he is an ideal teachis and provides the students with a good purpose model. I love his the most and hope to be like his one day

Friday, May 17, 2019

The Life and Death of Al Capone

Al Cap whiz was an American criminal who started loving himself in criminal activities quite early in life and was very popular in the twenties in Illinois. Al Capone was born in 17th January, 1899 in Brooklyn to Teresa Capone and Gabriel and was named as Alphonse Gabriel Capone. He died in 1947.He was popularly known by gentlemany as Scarface due to the knife cut mark that was on his leave cheek. The name Al Capone is thus synonymous with crime especially in Chicago and thus one cannot talk of crime and fail to talk of this man. This research paper is specifically going o localise on the life and death of Al Capone. It will in particularly focus on his voice as far as crime in the United States is concerned.Al Capone rose to fame in the 1920s during the stoppage known as the Prohibition era. His activities led Chicago to look as if it was a lawless pronounce due to his success in criminal activities. Just like other students, Al Capone went to a world prepare but unfortunat ely the t separatelyers in these schools were a bit harsh to immigrant students and would use physical event to discipline them and Al Capone being one of them as his family had migrated to USA from the Old Country, was thus no exception1.Specifically, Al Capone did not have a good relationship with his schools administration and thus they were invariably crossing paths something that drastically affected his grades. After some duration, his relationship with teachers deteriorated to a level such that he was dispelled from school and that marked the end of his life in school2.Though indirect, his career received a major boost when his overprotect relocated his family to 21 Garfield Place. This relocation gave Al Capone an opportunity to join local street caboodles such as the Forty Thieves Juniors and the Brooklyn Rippers where he met other gangsters such as Johny Torrio and Lucky Luciano3.Having worked for James Street gang and fin points gang, Al Capone gained some skills in street smarts making him to be qualified as a saloon tender and a bouncer in a brothel in Brooklyn owned by Torrio and Frankie Yale.As a bouncer, he would mistreat people for example he broke the legs, arms and even skulls of those who were deemed to be chaotic. It was epoch on the job(p) as a bouncer in this brothel that Al Capone earned his name the scarface afterward being attacked and slashed by Frank Gallucio after he insulted her sister although he would later brood that he was injured in the Great War in France4.It is in 1919 that he was arrested for the first time firstly for disorderly conduct and secondly for a murder case where he killed a man in 1918 but fortunately for Al Capone, as per ganglands principles or etiquettes, nobody testified for or against him and thus he was not tried for this murder. To ease down the tension that had built up, Yale who had been invited by his uncle Jim Colosimo in Chicago invited Al Capone to stay with him for a while. This time coi ncided with when the Prohibition Act was in ability.Torrio was in disagreement with his uncle because he wanted his uncle to embark on bootlegging something that he was totally opposed. By this time his uncle whoring business had already amassed plenteous profit and thus he did not see the need to diversify. Torrio started seeing his uncle as a stumbling chock up and thus thought of how he would eliminate him. With the help of Al Capone, the mission was executed and they took over the business5.While working for this gang, Al Capone helped his gang to prosper and extended its relations to another gang organization known as Colosimo mob. These organizations in one way or the other helped Al Capone to become the man he was.The creator for this is that after five years of his service, Torrio accidentally got wounded and could no longer be able to scat the gang thereby transferring its leadership to Al Capone. Under his leadership, the gang became the most feared and successful an d anyone who challenged its leadership was eliminated. repayable to their ruthlessness, they were able to conquer over mobs that succumbed to their threats or entreaties. Those that would not dance to their tunes were suppressed by use of force and a case in point is the Dion OBannons killing attempt, the Irish Northern brass gang in 1924.According to Oregon Coast cartridge clip, contrary to the expectations of Torrio and Al Capone, the failure to take over this gang opened a can of worms as from there on the two gangs never saw each other to eye and this culminated to the shootings that left Torrio badly injured. In 1926, he was at it again and was arrested in inter-group communication to murdering of three individuals where he spent only one night in jail only to be released for lack of enough evidence6.1 Pasley, Fred D. Al Capone The Biography of a self-Made Man. Kessinger Publishing, 2004 45 2 Oregon Coast Magazine online. Al Capone Social Issues, 1899-1947. unattached at h ttp//www.u-s- 3 Lorrizo, Luciano J. Al Capone a Biography. Green wood Publishing Company, 2003 15 4 Ibid 165 Carpenoctem. Alphonse Scarface Al Capone (1899-1947) Chicago Crime Leader. 2000. Accessed from http// 6 Oregon Coast Magazine online. Al Capone Social Issues, 1899-1947. Available at http//www.u-s-

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Classical Empires Dbq

DOCUMENT-BASED QUESTION Daoism-Buddhism Directions The following interrogative is based on the accompanying documents. (The documents have been edited for the purpose of this exercise). The question is designed to test your aptitude to work with and understand historical documents. Write an essay that Has relevant thesis and supports that thesis with evidence from the documents. Uses only or all but one of the documents. Analyzes the documents by grouping them in as numerous enamor ways as possible and does not simply summarize the documents individually. Takes into account both the sources of the documents and the authors points of view. Essay revolutionize Analyze the similarities and differences between the two religions, and what makes these religions unique. Based on the following documents, discuss classical empires. What types of additional bread and butter would help determine the benefits and difficulties of running classical empires? Historical Background Buddhism and Taoism are both of importly touch in eastern China, and many people are confused between the two. Not very many people understand what Buddhistics stand for, but many people only know they live to visit meaning, and to reach nirvana. Taoists look to end the sufferings in animateness. Document 1 Document 2 Document 3 Document 4 Document 5 Document 6 Document 7 Document 7 Document 8 Citations http//www. sacred-texts. com/bud/btg/btg03. htm http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Taijitu http//www. wadsworth. com/religion_d/special_features/popups/maps/matthews_world/content/map_91. html http//www. diffen. com/difference/Buddhism_vs_Taoism http//www. accesstoinsight. org/lib/authors/bogoda/wheel397. html http//www. chebucto. ns. ca/doctrine/Taichi/taoism. tml http//www. chebucto. ns. ca/Philosophy/Taichi/taoism. html http//www. buzzle. com/articles/taoism-beliefs. html & http//buddhismbeliefs. org/ Robert Bogoda, A Simple Guide to Life, 1994 To make the best use of our military personn el potential, we need not only a practical aim in life, but a life plan for achieving that aim. The preceding two sections of this essay show the groundwork for developing a proper perceive of values, the values essential for gaining contentment, success, and security indoors the mundane life and for progressing towards the ultimate goal of the Buddhist path, Nibbana.While we locomote along the path to liberation, as laypeople we have to live in the world, and our immediate objective will be to make our life in the world both a means to worldly success and a stepping-stone to final liberation. pic Lama Surya Das, Buddhism Plain and Simple This picture depicts the god of Buddhism, Buddha. In this picture he open fire be seen as a calm, wise, and intelligent man. He seems like he just might be meditating. This is the way of Buddha, being wise, kind, and finding meaning in life. This is the way many Buddhists believe they should be.Tai Chi Chuan, Taoism and the Philosophy The reli gious current of Taoism evolved its own pantheon of deities that were worshipped in temples by the various sects. These Taoist deities, like the Buddhist or Hindu pantheon, represented incompatible qualities and attributes and various ceremonies, depending on circumstances were conducted to appeal to them. Unlike or so religions, Taoism has more than one religious figure. In fact, they have about 27 deities, which all stand for different individual things, such as pure ones, immortals, the 3 officials, and many more.Tai Chi Chuan, Taoism and the Philosophy A Taijitu, the main symbol of the Taoist spirituality. Please note however, that the true Taijitu symbol shows the white (or red) spiral on the top, so that the dividing line creates a backwards S shape. Yin and yang are not opposing forces (dualities), but complementary forces, spiritual domain (hidden, feminine) and seen (manifest, masculine), that interact to phase angle a greater whole, as part of a dynamic system. Everyth ing has both yin and yang aspects as light could not be understood if darkness didnt exist, and shadow cannot exist without light. pic Paul Carus, Buddha, the Gospel, 1909 All heterogeneous things shall be dissolved again, worlds will break to pieces and our individualities will be scattered but the words of Buddha will remain for ever. The extinction of egotism is salvation the annihilation of self is the condition of enlightenment the blotting out of self is Nirvana. Major beliefs of Taoism Major beliefs of Buddhism Taoism has the same worldview as Confucianism or ancient Chinese folk religion. Its philosophy operates within the same paradigms. It celebrates mans association and interdependency with nature.Moving on to a wider plane, the relationship between religion and the universe takes the form of veneration, which lies beyond the confines of time and space, ancestor worship and belief in the sovereign. The principles on which the system thrives fifty-fifty today include Ch i, Feng Shui, interdependency between life and death, the Eight Immortals and the Ultimate Reality. Life exists in itself in that respect is no inherent meaning attached to life. However as all human beings (and animals) wish for happiness and not to suffer the purpose of life may be said to end that suffering.Buddhism teaches that in an merged world, all actions have consequences (karma). The consequences of acts undertaken in this and earlier lifetimes will be felt in a near one, in a process known as reincarnation. It is a Buddhist aim to educate oneself and formulate in order to escape from this cycle of rebirth, to enter Nirvana. Buddhism Taoism Geographical predominance Tibet, Sri Lanka, North America. Asia, North America. close of religion To gain enlightenment and nirvana. To gain balance in life. consecrate of origin Nepal, India. China dominion Desire leads to suffering. Taoists believe that life is good. Taoism lays emphasis on the body. Status of Adam N /A. N/A. Place of worship Pagodas, Temples. Temple, shrine Warren Matthews, World Religions, pic In this map, Daoism, or Taoism, along with Buddhism, are mainly in the eastern portion of China. Most likely, location doesnt have anything to due with your religion, but what is either laboured on you, or which you would like to choose.