Sunday, May 19, 2019

Fail to Succeed

? Fail to Succeed Hello, I would like to introduce you to a polar way of turn overing about loser. Most of us know or see fortunate heap in our daily lives. some(prenominal) of us wonder if we will ever be productive. Some of us think that the successful person has always been this way. I direct even considerd people input signal that success was given to that successful person. Either way you look at it or whatever you think about success. I keep assure you most of the successful people you see became successful later on some type of unwrapure. Failure to succeed is not about failure it is about using your failures to give success.I think at some point we obtain every last(predicate) failed in something. If you have neer failed you probably just dont remember. Even the minor(ip)est failures can change our lives. Failure goes as further back as nurture to walk. We may not remember it but the first time we fell, our particular baby brain says we dont want to do tha t again. As we got older we lose a math question on a test, or had a couple of run on sentences in an English essay. We dont really think about these things because they are so small but, they were all failures. We did figure out how to improve in these areas either consciously or sub consciously and we learned from that failure.We may have even become a success at what we improved on. Some people learned so much from falling down, they became stuntmen/women. Some failed so miserably in math they became accountants for the u. s government. Hans Christian Anderson had dyslexia. His condition is by no means a failure but his advance(prenominal) years of learning to read write were full of failures. He became unmatchable of our greatest writers in history. each failures can lead to success. I worked for a large marketing company for about 2 years. I was a speaking for a well known real estate millionaire. His name is Robert Allen. Robert Allen filed bankruptcy in the early 80s.He had acquired millions of dollars in real estate and when the bottom fell out so did his bank account. Of course he was down and out months. He went from a 10,000 square feet house in Colorado to a 2 bedroom apartment in San Diego. He had lost everything. After this failure he realized he could be successful in the same business if he changed a couple things. He began to write down all his thoughts and ideas and came up with 7 steps to be successful in real estate without using any money. He bean to put his ideas to work and deep down a year from his failure he was successful again.He has become a real estate millionaire again and has written many books about investing in real estate. His main focus to all of his books fall back to his big failure in the early 80s. He mentions in one of his books, without that failure he could have never been as successful as he is today. He failed to succeed. I spent this last summer on the football game field as an assistant coach for my sons fo otball team. We practiced and practiced and had a attracter of fun. Kids get used to short-changeing against the same other shaver during practice and they get comfortable.This was my sons first season and he was fired up, excited. Finally the first game had arrived. He was so excited and ready to go in his new uniform with all the gear. He felt like a real football hero before the game even started. First play of the game, he lines up and a bigger kid knocks him flat on his butt. Oh, he cried and cried and was terrified. This went on for a game or two. Finally, I told him it was time to be the hammer and not the nail. He thought this was a good idea too. I gave him a couple of tips and he became the best defensive lineman on the team.This was not because of my tips but because he was tired of failing. Once he realized he could be successful in this situation, failure was no longer an option. Although his failure was small to the coaches or even his buddies, it meant a lot to hi m. Without this failure he never would have learned that some else was capable of beating him in this position. direct he is always ready to go head to head no matter who is in forepart of him. He succeeded by failure. In conclusion I just want to be sure when you fail you realize why you failed. Failure can be a great success as you have read in my examples.At first it may not seem so but as we analyze our failures we can become a much greater success than before we failed. I have taken advice from many people in my life, most of them much older than I. I like to hear what people have to say about their failures and success because most of the time they are closely related. We can also learn from others who have failed before we fail on our own. I think failure is frequently overlooked as good education. I believe failure to be one of our best learning tools. So, I hope you can fail and become successful, I hope you can fail with confidence, I hope you fail to succeed.

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