Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Going Back to School Essay

Returning to develop was something I alway intended to do in my life. I knew there would be some obstacles and vault i would moderate to overcome to constrain my dream come true. Here are some obstacles I had to overcome in my past with previous discipline experinces I have had to return patronize to school. When I was younger, I remember my mom waking my older brother up and sending him off to school. I would get so mad, because I wanted to go. Than eventually my day came, I got up and off to school I went. Elementary school was the great. I love playing with the other kids. Kindergarten through fifth grade made me feel like school was a game.Yeah, we learned our basic studies, but we had fun doing it. Than came measure for moving on up to middle school. My first couple of weeks were okay, but the work started getting harder, the other kids werent very nice and we didnt have much free time. I didnt like it, but it was something I got used too and I stuck it out. Finally, my ninth year came, I was a starting motor in high school. I hated it, I was always getting pushed around and made fun of because my family didnt have much money. I didnt have name brand shoes or clothes. Everybody kept telling me I needed an eduacation to get anywhere in this world.Well I tried, finally when I was seventeen, only six months before graduation, I got so fed up, I dropped out. Once I turned eighteen, I realized it was time to make a life of my own. My family shouldnt have to support me. So I went out and found me a job. I was so proud of this job. I was doing good, or so I thought. After a few years of working for this company, I figured out I was already at the top of the ladder, I couldnt go up anymore. I had to better my life. I needed a higher education. I got it in my head and went and got my GED. Than once again my education process stopped right there.Out of the blue one day, my mom calls and tells me about these online college courses. She knew I didnt I didnt want to go seat in a classroom. This struck some interest in me. It took me a few days, but I called and got enrolled. When I started my first class, I was a secondment nervous, it took sometime to get back into the swing of things. Im still somewhat nervous but it gets better with each class. Going back to school was the hardest decision I have ever had to make. Well, it took the longest time anyway. I am so glad I decided to go back. Being back at school makes me feel so much better about myself. This is one thing I wont quit again.

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