Friday, October 4, 2019

Ad Proposal for Apple 2014 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Ad Proposal for Apple 2014 - Research Paper Example He was awarded the Lange-Tailor Prize in 2009, and best Magazine Writing from the Society for Professional Journalists (Christian Parenti’s book â€Å"the tropic of chaos† is the result of his immense research and hard work. It took him six long years to produce this outstanding work of art. Parenti travelled to various slums, countries that were at war and countries that were affected with scarcity of food and water shortages. In the book â€Å"Tropic of chaos,† the writer shows his concern of how climate change results in ruining our ecological civilization. The author discusses the region, which lie between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. Parenti’s focus is on East Africa, Afghanistan, India, Pakistan, Kenya, Kyrgystan, Brazil, Mexico. These regions according to him are: â€Å"a belt of economically and politically battered post-colonial states girding the planet’s mid-lattitudes†(Parenti, 9). He labels thes e countries as â€Å"Tropic of chaos† because these countries are facing what he calls a â€Å"Catastrophic convergence of poverty, violence and climate change† (Parenti, 5), which means that climate change is not only causing water and food scarcity but also giving birth to violence in the regions. According to the writer, these countries are too sensitive to shifts in weather changes because they rely on farming and fishing. The writer explains how that the Global North has reacted to this impending crisis with greater oppression and surveillance instead of finding friendly ways to reduce tensions. In short, between the tropic of Cancer and tropic of Capricorn, we mostly find â€Å"most of the failed and semi failed states of the developing world.† (Parenti, 9). Hence, the crisis is taking a toll because the Global South is getting involved in warfare to attain there basic needs. The author begins his narrative by asking, â€Å"who is responsible for killing Ekaru Loruman?† Ekaru Loruman was from Kenya, belonged to a Turkana tribe, and was killed by a rival tribe for stealing cattle, or what the author explains as â€Å"the age old tradition of stock theft† (Democracy now). Moreover, the reason for these frequent killings is that the country is experiencing severe drought and the Turkana Pastoralists are forced to stealing cattle because their animals die due to scarcity of water, so they have to take laws in their own hands, as there are no proper government rules regarding this issue. Here, the author is pointing to an important issue of how the ugly U.S. policies have given rise to everyday violence in these countries. Moreover, the answer to all Parenti’s questions can be answered only if we go back in time when the British rules Africa. History tells us that British during their rule have adopted harsh methods to stop violence. Since that time the violence has never stopped. He gives examples of countries like S omalia, a failed state, which was attacked and demolished by Cold war. After the downfall of the Somalian government, the weapons were transferred to Kenya which resulted in more violence and killings in the form of cattle raids. Moreover, as Kenya does not run any support programs for farmers, this has given rise to more corruption because the farmers have only weapons to defend and protect themselves. The worst part is that when the Somalian refugees reach Kenya, most of the women are being raped and tortured and the sad part is that it is usually the brother who is ordered to rape her sister and if he denies he gets killed. In addition, when the refugees cross the border and reach Kenya they are unable to make a living because Kenyan government is unable to support millions of Somalians who are living in camps. Pakistan is

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