Monday, October 14, 2019

Women’s Roles during WW1 Essay Example for Free

Women’s Roles during WW1 Essay World War 1 was a pivotal event that affected Canada in many ways. Not only for the men that fought for their country, but also for the thousands of women that contributed behind the soldiers of the front lines. It was a heavy change for them; going from dependant housewife to being employed at some of the largest industries and factories. World War 1 was centered on Europe and began in the summer of 1914 (Wikipedia). That summer changed the lives of many families in Europe, and all over the world. Men were forced to leave their homes and families behind and fight for their countries. In result of the men’s absence, women had the opportunity to take the available jobs. It was a major step in the history of women, since they were confined to their homes and specific jobs called â€Å"women’s work† before World War 1 took place. Women started to gain more freedom and responsibility, but still kept their roles at home. Little did they know that World War 1 would provide them with the opportunity to become successful and independent, and that it would change their lives forever. Women were almost obligated to fill in for the men who were away from home, which was a very big change for women. Men were the providers for their families, and the women were expected to complete the duties at home and specific women’s work. Women’s work consisted of two main trades, textile and clothing. These jobs employed far more women than men. Women rarely left the house, and they were kept very busy by fulfilling the role of mother, wife, and housekeeper. Their main job was to keep their husbands happy, and the house in an orderly fashion.

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