Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Security Management in Maritime Organisations Case Study

Security Management in Maritime Organisations - Case Study Example TT Club aims at providing practical security measures which are limited to particular countries while the objective of the ISPS code is to establish an international maritime security framework. With the mutual coordination of contracting and local governments of shipping port facilities, the ISPS Code provides a complete theoretical solution to maritime possible threats and risks. One of the main reasons for comparing the TT Club manual with the ISPS code is to determine the extent to which the implementation of International Convention for the safety of Life at Sea adopted on December 12, 2002 made possible and followed. Other reasons to follow the ISPS Code are to list out all those possible threats which have never been considered before. The Club is a maritime Insurance company which provides all kinds of transport insurance to 80 countries of the world while the ISPS code targets all the shipping ports throughout the globe. TT Club provides pro-active determination of loss at some cost to its business members, but is limited to 80 countries. Another reason for comparing both the manuals is that the ISPS code is applied to all passenger and cargo ships (3.1) and one cannot ignore the fact that TT Club as an Insurance company is limited to provide maritime Insurance. Therefore it is obvious that TT Club would not take into account the hidden real world pro blems. Let us begin with the functional requirements of both the manuals. The TT Club manual is published with a view of preventing loss at the utmost. Moreover it serves as 'loss prevention guide'. The best evidence for calling it as 'loss prevention guide' is that it avoids security threats by avoiding computerised systems at the utmost. On the other hand, the ISPS Code is all about security of ships and ports and presents all techniques of preventing threats and risks and follows the functional requirements of the port (1.3). Ship Security Plan (SSP) containing Audits According to the ISPS Code 16.58, it is the responsibility of the SSP to conduct regular or updated audit reviews with the help of Company Security Officer (CSO) and Ship Security Officers (SSO) whereas the TT Club Manual suggests that Audit surveys are not limited to the responsibility of any particular person. However the main concern for both the manuals behind conducting audits i.e., ISPS code and TT Club Manual is to assess security at all levels to determine vulnerable access points. According to Security Level 1 of Section 7 of the Ship Security which sets appropriate controlling, monitoring and supervising access to different areas of the ship including deck, cargo and ship's stores, TT Club manual takes hold and observes all access points of the ship. These include all kinds of used and unused gates, access to the port facilities, and physical and logical security threats. Security Levels of the ISPS Code The security levels are set by priorities of their associated risks. Like level 1 is the normal level which is usually followed by the ships and ports. Security level 2 is applied in a condition which in addition to the threat exposure is experiencing a critical risk. Therefore the level is applied as long as the risk is there. Similarly level 3 entail exceptional threats, which usually do not occur in

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