Friday, October 18, 2019

Research on Dell Inc Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

On Dell Inc - Research Paper Example Moreover, MIS can be further categorized as Decision Support System (DSS) and Executive Information System (EIS). In general, the role of MIS in terms of a DSS is to analyze and process business data that will aid business decision making efficiently (Nowduri, 2011). For instance, MIS provides comparative sales figures pertaining to a week, revenue figures projected on assumptions of a new product and history of decisions or workarounds performed (Nowduri, 2011). Dell Computer Corporation Dell founded in 1984 by Micheal Dell, it is one of the biggest computer manufacturing companies on the planet that provides personal computers, computer peripherals and associated software. Dell sells its products to the end users via online stores and mail orders. The organization is located in Texas and enjoys a very strong brand image that supports its growth (DATA MONITOR: Dell inc.2009). Likewise, Dell is listed in the top 100 brands of the world and its brand value is $11,695 million, as per t he annual raking 2008 report (DATA MONITOR: Dell inc.2009). Similarly, apart from the strong brand value and robust market position, there are flaws in some product segments along with feeble research and development outputs. Moreover, Dell is currently dependent on third party services along with contraction in end markets, these two factors can be considered as threats (DATA MONITOR: Dell inc.2009). Dell Information Automation Information automation is considered to be an examination and analysis of data organization. Likewise, it is most commonly used in businesses, science and technology and engineering and covers almost all areas pertaining to computing usage. Businesses use automation techniques and methods for performing tasks such as payroll processing, accounts, record keeping, inventory management, sales scrutiny, bank account statements and credit cards statements. Similarly, engineering sector utilize these methods and techniques for numerous applications associated with mineral and oil exploration. Moreover, the analysis associated with new product design and scientific experiments also utilize data processing (Kedar, 2009). Data processing or information automation is divided into two categories i.e. database processing and transaction processing. As database is a collection of data that can be extracted, changed or accessed, data can be associated with banks, financial institutions, income tax, salary, contact number etc. similarly, for a processing data, a database is utilized that is virtually located in the center (Kedar, 2009). Similarly for the second category, transaction processing is associated with an integration of two workstations that constructs the transaction, and it is backed by data provided by the second workstation. For instance, automated teller machines are a prime example for this category (Kedar, 2009). The information automation tools that are acquired and utilized by Dell Incorporated utilize the World Wide Web, spreadshe ets, maps, various models and database. Moreover, for operations functions, Dell focused primarily on the information processing tool named as maps. Likewise, the map tool facilitated Dell to make decisions associated with organizational operation initiatives. Moreover, maps were also utilized for determining the location or country to be selected for acquiring information. Furthermore, the map also

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